Tag: Fashion

MAN-ternity Pants for men and their food babies

MAN-ternity Pants for Food Babies


If women can wear “boyfriend jeans” any time they want for casual comfort, then dang it men should be able to rock a pair of maternity pants for the eating Olympics of the holiday season! But most men aren’t very comfortable with wearing women’s clothing. Hmmmmm. But what if there was an answer?! Think of […]

The Perfect Dad Shoe Doesn’t Exi-


“The perfect shoe for a dad doesn’t exi-” [record scratch] Well it does now, kiddo! After extensive minutes of scientific analysis of countless dad clichés and stereotypes, The Perfect Dad Shoe™ is hot off the manufacturing grill! A masterful fusion between sneakers and clog sandals. That’s right! Yard work in the front, barbecue in the […]

Move Over, Extreme Cut Out Jeans! It’s Cargo Time.

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Everyone’s buzzing about this new sexy fashion for women. Some say TOO sexy. Some say other words. But whatever the words are, there are a lot of ’em! Extreme Cut Out Jeans have definitely gone viral. But you know what? Dads want to look cool and feel sexy, too. Introducing Extreme Cut Out Cargo Pants […]