#FatBellyFriday – 36 Weeks
We’ve been overeating in advance of our national holiday commemorating over-eating. Our bellies reflect this hobby. We’ve settled into a sprint on the home stretch and it’s the point of no return. My wife remains pretty and glowing, while I remain petty and glowering. But don’t I make a beautiful pregnant dude? #FatBellyFriday ““ 36 […]

#FatBellyFriday ““ 32 Weeks
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. We didn’t make it to full term with Finn and we wouldn’t have been pregnant with our little treat in Avara’s belly during Halloween, but this time we overlap with it. Pregnant belly plus Halloween is seriously awesome. I love my little slice of pumpkin pie! #FatBellyFriday ““ […]

#FatBellyFriday ““ 27 Weeks
My wife is a beautiful person. So, when she allowed me to photograph her in a moment of… awesome, it took me by surprise. The only thing left to do was joining her in acting like a weirdo. Finn and his brother will be so proud of us. #FatBellyFriday ““ 27 Weeks Thank you for […]

#FatBellyFriday ““ 22 Weeks
Okay, fine. We missed last week. But that means you get an extra helping of belly blooming and we’re telling you the gender of our baby. Deal? This week really popped. Our doctor visit showed everything was in the right place and things are looking great. After all the earlier stuff, we’re still a little […]

#FatBellyFriday – 20 Weeks
Typically, moms-to-be put up photos of their pregnant bellies on their blogs. I can’t blame them. Pregnancy, from the outside, is an incredible thing to behold. Photography was practically invented to capture something as personal and beautiful as a woman with child. We’re going to try and post a weekly photo here so you can […]