Father & Son Go Camp Tripping
Though I don’t get to do as much of it as I’d like these days, I loved camping as a kid. My parents did, too. Which always works out great; when the budgetary stars, parental planets and children moons all align for something. The camping I did as I got older became a lot more […]

Kid’s ANXIOUS Reaction to The Last Jedi
[ This post and video contain massive spoilers ] (open video in a new window) A truly awesome number of people have been thrilled with my son’s reactions to watching the Star Wars movies, and it’s clear to everyone that he’s a huge fan of Luke Skywalker. His emotional investment is painfully obvious when he […]

The Dadliest Fragrances Ever
While there are plenty of fragrances marketed to women and men, there really is a huge missed opportunity here to really speak to dads. Sure, the industry has plenty of scents for a wide variety of men. From the salt-of-the-earthy musk of a stylish lumberjack, to the suave stank of a cufflinked jet setter. (Whatever […]

Couch Pillow Architecture
WIFE: Go thank Daddy for making dinner. 8YO: No. I will go thank him for the couch fort instead. It is the best fort in human history. WIFE: Oh wow! Well thank him for dinner after that. I loved making couch forts when I was a kid. My mom and dad loved my job as […]

Kid’s Complex Reaction to Rogue One a Star Wars Story
Watching the Star Wars saga with my son has been one of the most amazing experiences for me. And not “because I loved Star Wars since I was a kid.” Seeing his reactions would have been parental treasure even if I was a lunatic and hated the movies. His passion and exhilaration are completely contagious. […]

Goodnight, Butt
It’s easy to get laughs making jokes about how horrific kids can be about going to bed, and it can be throbbing-forehead-vein frustrating when it’s so late you know with dread that they’re just going to rise like cranky zombies at their usual butt crack of dawn. But there are also those really sweet moments. […]

12 Rad Dad Moments
Rad dad moments aren’t just ninja reflexes for those lightning-fast saves. Teaching, playing, wrangling, soothing, patiently enduring; it can be any kind of dadding. These moments don’t even have to be experiences that anyone else witnesses ““ moments your kid might not even be aware of their specialness. When you’re just proud of yourself and […]

Dad Illustrates the Nutty Things He’s Had to Say to His Kids
All parents have had that moment where we say something, and the second it leaves our lips, we’re shocked by the utter strangeness of what we’ve just had to say. Sentences that we’re dead certain no human being has ever had to say in the entire history of human speech. When they’re babies, parents say […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame (Work Life) ““ Part 9
Most families are well acquainted with the pun grenades some father’s lob around the home, but did you ever stop to think what happens when they suit up and head out to work? The Dad Jokes don’t have to stop there! Coworkers and (hopefully not) customers and (super hopefully not) bosses can be victims um… […]

Video Surprise that Will Give Your Heart an Atomic Wedgie
When I have to travel for work, I miss my family. No matter how busy I am, something just doesn’t feel right, constantly. Like your heart is wearing a pair of underwear backward. Additionally, the empty ache of separation is often made worse when I think of my little guy missing me. My wife’s a […]