These 13 Baby & Dad Pictures Are Hilariously Awesome
Sholom Ber Solomon is a dad to his baby, Zoe, and he’s my hero for today. Maybe even this week or month. Taking cute shots of your baby is pretty simple, since babies are ridiculously cute by default. This glorious man, however, didn’t just go the extra mile, he went Forrest Gump on it and […]

Dad’s First Diaper After the Baby Starts Eating Solids (Hilarious Video)
It’s been a very long time since I changed a diaper, but I clearly remember my first diaper change ever, and the first diaper change after we switched to solid foods. EVERY parent will remember this. Even if it’s not a picture-pefect stomach-churning flashback, we can all at least vaguely remember how shockingly horrible it […]

Serious Subjects Can Get Seriously Silly with Kids
When you tackle a subject with your kid that’s one of the more life-lessonie topics, it can be pretty dang interesting. You start to find out what they have -100 clues about, and what they’ve picked up from wherever. But, like a lollipop that rolled under the couch, sometimes some pretty unusual stuff sticks to […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame – Part 8
The effects of a Dad Jokes can be great in one of two ways: 1) they’ll either make your belly wobble a lot or maybe just an amused snort, OR 2) you’ll be appalled and they’ll make every other joke seem hilariously better by comparison. So, love ’em or hate ’em, it’s basically a total […]

Cute Girl Has Hilarious Trouble Saying Th*cker
When kids are little, and just start learning how to speak, you get all sort of priceless pronunciations. They use Ws for Ls, making adorable words like “wittle yewwow wemons.” They smash their Rs or drop them out, so they sound a cutely British when they refer to their “wed wace cahw.” Then there’s the […]

Toddler Cars: Beyond Fury Road
I just recently rewatched the original Mad Max and was surprised by how well it survived the passage of time. I remember watching it as a kid and being struck by the sad desperation of a post-apocalyptic world, but, because I was kid, I was obviously way more struck by how totally flippin’ awesome it […]

Stay-At-Home Fatherhood Captured in Hilarious Sticky Notes
Most of us leave Post-In notes around for ourselves or for our partner in child rearing. As fulfilling as parenthood is, it sure can be devastating on ones wits and memory. But this post is about someone who went beyond written reminders plastered all over the house. Somewhere heartwarming, hilarious and occasionally off-color. Chris Illuminati […]

Learning the Different Differences of People
There isn’t just one single point that every parent experiences with their kid learning about the difference of other people. Because they’re all different, in usual and in unique ways, you’ll run into several experiences. Little ones don’t tend to get too caught up in the abstract differences of character and personality, so they tend […]

Dad Dancing His Baby to “Beat It” Is Priceless
Baby’s are absolutely wonderful. But let’s face it, they can also be pretty boring. They need a lot of care and changing and feeding, of course, but when they don’t, things can occasionally get a little slow. Sure, when they’re really little everything is exciting. Flexing teeny fingers, speaking dolphin, crossing their eyes, making a […]

Playtime Level: Dad
Dads can be pretty silly when it’s playtime. Sometimes we can get SO into it, we take it to the next level, then chug some coffee or an energy drink and keep on plowing passed as many levels as we possibly can. With holiday gift giving just days away, I’m sure there will be plenty […]