How to Test Steak for WRONGNESS
Everyone has their preference, of course. And one could say there is no WRONG way to have a steak prepared for you, but the person who said that would be very sadly mistaken. However, in today’s day and age, it’s totally okay for people to like absolutely awful things. It’s 2018! You do you. But […]

Pop-Tarts, If They Made ‘Em for TODDLERS
Why not feed your young ones sweet snacks based on the freaky foods they already go nuts for? Pop-tarts for toddlers can’t be the dumbest food product idea you’ve ever heard of. But if it is, than I’m even prouder for whipping it up in the carnival freak show of my mind. These would also […]

My Wife Just Said… [Got milk]
This would have been a funny, slightly dysfunctional Got Milk ad. Well, it would have been funnier if I wasn’t living it, and having to drive back to the grocery store for a single item. One thing I was never prepared for in parenthood is the mind-boggling number of times I’ve gone to a grocery […]

In Real Life Dad Jokes (Hall of Shame pt. 11)
Anyone with lungs and the ability to speak can tell dad jokes ““ man, woman or child really ““ but it takes a special commitment to turn them into prop comedy. Here are 16 such real-life dad jokes for your en-groan-ment! 1) Strong enough for a man, but made for a dad. 2) Happy […]

Anti-Kid-Sharing Snack Packaging
It’s almost magical how kids can suddenly appear at the tiniest crinkle of a plastic bag. But it’s that crappy magic like a bad luck curse or the summoning of demons or evil spirits. We’re adults. We have earned the right to have our OWN snacks. Without our kids making us feel like we’re wearing […]

Bad Product Ideas: Condiments Edition
Is your kid cuckoo for ketchup? Could your kid chug ranch by the ladleful? Well then, you’re gonna love these bold new food offerings! Or um… your kid is probably going to. You’re more likely to experience something a little less lovey and a little more gaggy as a response. Condimentsicles Sure, most of […]

My Wife Just Said… #339
Sometimes I extend my hand for a sarcastic introductory handshake when my wife asks silly things that she should absolutely know about me by now, or over a decade ago. I loooove food. And I also love not wasting money. It’s a powerful combination I find truly difficult to resist. In our house we don’t […]

My Wife Just Binged… #334
My wife an I have our routines, on the weekend especially. I’ll cook dinner and we’ll all watch a family movie in the living room while we eat. Then, once the bedtime marathon has been run, my wife and I will put on something less G-rated and have some wine and chocolate. I don’t have […]

11 Funnies That Pumpkin Spice Lovers and Haters Can Enjoy
Fall is upon us. And with it, of course, the floodgates of pumpkin spice have opened. People either love it, or love hating on it. But for all the people who aren’t doing caffeine and sugar fueled cartwheels over this seasonal flavor gimmick, there’s a vast world joy to be had making fun of it. […]

If Toddlers Wrote Yelp Reviews
Every parent knows how absolutely crazy kids can be about food. Throw that hot mess into the public arena of a restaurant and things only get nuttier. So, let’s have a look at some reviews toddlers might write, if they could write like us big people.