Operation: Keep the Kids Alive (5 Comics)
You think it’d be easy, right? That whole “keeping your kids alive and well” thing. All living things are supposed to have a survival instinct. Kids don’t pay much attention to the concept of “supposed to,” though. Things like electrical sockets, oven knobs, bathroom urinal cakes and rain dances in the nude seem vastly more […]

The More You Know, Y’know (3 Comics)
Like some avid collector of deadly insects, a parent will wind up cataloging thousands of the little red flags they discover in the adventures of parenthood. All the things to watch out for with their kids, as well as all the dangers that come FROM them. So, here. Enjoy some bitter, knowing laughter from these […]

The Low Fashion of Child Couture (5 Comics)
Saying fashion changes when you have kids is like saying it’s gotten a bit breezy when you’re caught in a Force-12 hurricane. Matching outfit? In our parent-haze, we just hope we’re wearing pants when we leave the house. The percentage of time we wear pajamas certainly skyrockets, and our former kidless selves would never have […]

Teaching Kids Is Many Much Harderer (5 Comics)
It’s our job to care for the new mini humans we bring into this world. Part of that job is showing them the ropes of life, whilst trying to keep them from tripping and getting tangled in every single one while we were looking for an expiration date for just one single solitary second. Ehem! […]

You Can Lead a Kid to a Meal… HAH! (3 Comics)
…But you can’t make them eat. Admittedly some parents get a little too obsessive in one way or another about their kids nutrition, but even for laid back parents, it can be absomotherf*ckinglutely infuriating! [Sigh] I’m calm, I’m calm. Happy place. Deep breaths. Let’s laugh away the pain with these 3 Fowl Language Comics from […]

It’s Like They’re TRYING to Drive Us Insane (5 Comics)
It seems ridiculously inconceivable that a species with offspring that relies on its parents to survive would also be bent upon the utter annihilation of its parents mental stability. Once you have kids, this somehow doesn’t seem so inconceivable. Here are 5 Fowl Language Comics that show some of lowlights of the parental decent into […]

Christmas Before, During & After (3 Comics)
When we found out the truth about Santa as kids, we could never have imagined how much work it would be to become jolly ol’ St. Nick once we had kids of our own. Christmas changes for parents. It becomes about other people, little ones and loved ones. For ourselves, we come to happily settle […]

The Most Important Room in Your House: The Bathroom (4 Comics)
When you become a parent, the bathroom transforms into the most important room in your home. Fact. Poop happens. It’s part of life, but it rudely shoulders its way to the front of the line when you’ve got kids. It’s not just bodily functions, though. The massive amount of time you’ll spend in the bathroom […]

Answering Questions from a Kid
Recently my 6yo son asked me why homeless people didn’t have homes. Yeah. I’m not sure how much time elapsed or how many hundreds or thousands of M’s made it into the “Ummmmmmm…” I whipped up, but I tried! I explained how some people make bad choices in life or have really bad things happen […]

How to Use a Time Out Correctly
This qualifies as a parent hack as far as I’m concerned. Most parents don’t realize the opportunity they’re missing when they send their kids off to the disciplinary Siberia of a Time Out. That they can also take some time out for themselves. We’ve got so much to do as parents. Always. Nonstop. Forever it […]