Super “Helpful” Tips for Your Wife’s First Sonogram
Congratulations! You’re having a baby! Actually, to be technical about it, your wife is having a baby. Other than going to prenatal classes, late-night emergency food craving grocery runs, and letting her crush your hand into a box of broken crayons during labor, comparatively, you’re just along for the ride. That doesn’t mean you can’t […]

Six Toys that Make You Go Huh?
There are bad birthday presents and then there are BAD birthday presents. And then there are the birthday presents that leave you scratching your head and wondering “what in the hell were they thinking?” The answer? They probably weren’t. However they came to be, these toys are out there lurking in darkest corners of the […]

Decoding the Phrases of Marriage
Something strange happens to the English language when men get married. Like a cute little caterpillar that slowly turns into Mothra, the language you’ve understood for most of your life can take on a different, and often confusing, meaning. Suddenly a misused word or phrase can have horrible consequences and the next thing you know […]

9 Classic Board Games as… HORROR MOVIES
Welp. It’s all fun and games until that hair-raising shrill background music starts playing. Justin Bryant created these horror film reimaginings for us to laugh and cringe at. Maybe don’t show these to your young kids, though. Chutes and Ladders may never be the same again. (Affiliate links have been added to all the games […]

Not Your Usual Valentine’s Day Gift Idea Guide
VALENTINE’S DAY IS COMING. It’s a thought strikes fear into the bravest of men’s hearts. When most people with a pair of testicles think about the holiday, they usually do so with the grim certainty the Starks talk about winter in Game of Thrones. But don’t worry! Whether you’re looking to add a little romance […]

17 Naughty Comics that Aren’t TOO Naughty
None of these are going to get you into trouble at work, especially since a lot of people are working from home in these “unprecedented” days. Well, maybe if your kid walks up and asks why a woman is “wrestling” naked with a stork… that’d be awkward. While these aren’t too explicit, if you blush […]

Gender Reveal Party Don’ts & Maybe Do’s
If we’ve learned anything about gender reveal parties over the past few years it’s that some people have remained remarkably stupid despite several thousands of years of human progress. Unfortunately, these shindigs have become a freakish combo of Likes-culture combined with daredevil oneupmanship. It’s all well and good to be excited about the different milestones […]

19 Hilariously Dark Decorations for a Very Meh-rry Christmas
A lot of people go bonkers and bling out their homes for the holidays, and some of them like to go immediately from spider webs and skeletons to icicle lights and blow-up Santas. This irritates a lot of Thanksgiving-minded folks. But this peeve pales in comparison to the year this has been, so the general […]

Why are men on the pot so long? Secrets Revealed!
What happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom… until now! “What exactly are you doing in the bathroom for so long?” It’s a question women have been asking men for ages. At least since the invention of the outhouse and quite possibly as early as the prehistoric time when holes were dug outside the […]

Nerf Wars (VIDEO)
My son and his friend challenged me to a Nerf War and I, a Nerf pro, absolutely wrecked the noobs. They’re getting better though. Headshots are a great motivator. Sooooo many headshots. This video is also solid proof that battles are the best with Star Wars blaster sound effects added. Stay safe and sane, folks!