Unusual Cocktail Ideas for Unusually Resourceful Parents
For parents, the days of partying into the wee-est hours of the night is an ancient thing of past. Aside from baby sitting, it can be hard to keep our eyes pried open long enough to make a second toast. But just because we’re “all growed up” and raising kids doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy […]

The Great Toilet Paper Debate
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in societal hoarding which has catapulted the value of toilet paper up to that of gold or platinum or beef jerky. So! I thought it might be advisable for us all to squat down and take a long, hard… LOOK at a timeless controversy surrounding this now treasured commodity, bum […]

Kinder – The Playdating App
Finding a good match isn’t just a challenge for adults. Most parents have had bad blind play dates, two sets of unpredictable little kids that turn out to be a circle peg in a square hole. Now, as they say in this age of modern wonder: there’s an app for that. Little kids […]

KidzPoop – Bad Product Idea
So, this may actually be a good product idea if you’re looking to become a millionaire fast, but not so much in terms of overall parenting, and raising kids that aren’t embarrassments in society. Anymore than they already may be. If you have a little kid, and haven’t yet experienced them replacing words in song […]

The Ripeness of Kids Clothes Described Like Wines
Kids live life at Volume 11 but often have their hygiene on mute, so the stink they can whip up is truly breathtaking. As in, plug your nose and hold your breath kind of breathtaking. Like wines, kids seem to ferment with age. Except there’s nothing “fine” about their Cabernet Soverygross or Pee-yoo Noir. Their […]

Cute-to-Nope Chart for Bugs
I’ll admit that this isn’t necessarily “a little kid’s” chart, and that some of us adults still react to some bugs cartoonishly, levitating dramatically before sprinting away in a cloud of smoke, ready to set everything on fire. We all have to agree that some bugs are creepier than others, in our own opinions. […]

Know-It-All Parenting Method
Unlike all other parenting styles, Know-It-All Parenting isn’t actually a method for raising children. It’s for educating other parents on how they’re doing it oh so WRONG. Amazingly all that’s required for Know-It-All Parenting is the ability to speak or type. Another singularly unique advantage is that you don’t need to have a child of […]

22 Odd & Edgy Relationship Comics
Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Let’s all let our hair down and loosen our belts and have a good ol’ laugh at relationships. In general. Not our own! That’s a bit risky, of course. Getting too nitty gritty about our relationships can be a ride on a stage coach filled nitro glycerin, clattering at […]

22 Festively Edgy Holiday Comics
With all the sweet family movies and cheery holiday music, the overall G-rated, brightly-colored wonderful time of the year can get to be a bit much. You can’t eat dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner and expect to live long. Take a break from the marshmallowy wonderland and sink your teeth into these bitter, darker-toned […]

Baby Sleep Positions: 11-20
[ click the image to enlarge ] The term “co-sleeping” is an odd one, because it implies that sleep is actually happening. When the topic of the baby sleeping in the grown-up bed comes up, some parents or not-yet-parents will sneer and growl, “NEVER!” That’s their choice, to not co-sleep, or to be a jerk […]