Maybe We CAN Have Nice Things
The things we parents do and the sacrifices we make for our kids are pretty countless. We give our lives to theirs, so their lives can be better than ours, or the best we can manage. Even if it means wearing underwear that’s older than they are. There’s a running joke about kids: “this is […]

My Wife Just Rambled…
Of course she just gave me that look. I should be more specific, though. Couples develop and collect tons of looks in marriage. There’s the “shhhh don’t say anything” wide eyes, the “I’m so entirely done with this shit” eye roll, the “maybe later tonight” wink, the “don’t you even start” laser glare. The list […]

MAN-ternity Pants for Food Babies
If women can wear “boyfriend jeans” any time they want for casual comfort, then dang it men should be able to rock a pair of maternity pants for the eating Olympics of the holiday season! But most men aren’t very comfortable with wearing women’s clothing. Hmmmmm. But what if there was an answer?! Think of […]

My Wife Just Said… ( • )( • )
We were arguing about the dumbest most unimportant thing, as married people do. It was late and we were both tired (though it’s probably unnecessary to qualify that it was late since tiredness is our constant companion). To make things worse, we were both hungry enough to be cranky, but not hungry enough to override […]

Halloween Health-EVIL Ideas
Okay so, maybe these are all DEFINITELY terrible ideas. Based on a recent “Candy Confessions” survey from Crest, 86% of parents eat candy that was given to their child while trick-or-treating. We are all looking to fulfill our sweet tooth! Around the Halloween season, parents also seem to up their kids’ healthy eating and tooth-care […]

How to Test Steak for WRONGNESS
Everyone has their preference, of course. And one could say there is no WRONG way to have a steak prepared for you, but the person who said that would be very sadly mistaken. However, in today’s day and age, it’s totally okay for people to like absolutely awful things. It’s 2018! You do you. But […]

5 “Parenterms” That Need to Be Real Words
Parents make stuff up all the time. To sound like they have even the slightest clue, to shut some situation down or simply because they can’t remember the right thing to say. We need to adapt, improvise and overcome when it comes to raising kids. Taking words and MacGyvering them a little is no different. […]

My Wife Just Said… (Zipper Struggle)
It’s hard to have a grown-up discussion with your wife when your fly is down or your shirt is inside-out. But it can be done! I’m living proof of this. Frequently. The trick is to compensate by using big words and deep philosophical concepts. For instance, you can say, “It’s an entirely admissible error to […]

Pop-Tarts, If They Made ‘Em for TODDLERS
Why not feed your young ones sweet snacks based on the freaky foods they already go nuts for? Pop-tarts for toddlers can’t be the dumbest food product idea you’ve ever heard of. But if it is, than I’m even prouder for whipping it up in the carnival freak show of my mind. These would also […]

STRESS & Don’t Wake Daddy Game Time (Funny Video)
Some games are intense and can get pretty stressful! Often the results can be very very funny. But life can be incredibly stressful. The kind you live, not the board game LIFE (that one’s pretty tame). I feel like now, more than ever, it’s an important part of parenting to make sure your kids are […]