STRESS & Don’t Wake Daddy Game Time (Funny Video)
Some games are intense and can get pretty stressful! Often the results can be very very funny. But life can be incredibly stressful. The kind you live, not the board game LIFE (that one’s pretty tame). I feel like now, more than ever, it’s an important part of parenting to make sure your kids are […]

Pokémon NO – The Game App for Non-Players
Some of us don’t have even half a percent of a clue how to play, but the online/real-life game Pokémon GO is a wildfire sensation! Eyes glued to their smartphones, people are swarming the streets and alleyways and random corners of parks and all kinds of normally-boring places to “catch ’em all.” Sadly, not everyone […]

My Wife Just Said… #245
[Whispering] “I’m so sorry. He said he reeeeeally wanted Monopoly.” ““Elizabeth She said this after he tore off the wrapping paper and gasped with joy. I mouthed, “You owe me.” We both totally knew that I was the one who was going to be playing it with him. And by playing it with him, […]

Board Game Ragers
Comic by According to Devin. I used to loooooove board games as a kid. Still do. Oh the sweet, cardboardy smell of the package! The satisfaction of slowly removing the top with that corner taped-up from an invariable accidental foot stomp! The thrill of setting up the pieces, anxiously hoping they all made it […]

Hilarious First Game of Chess (VIDEO)
The other day I discovered someone had started teaching my 6yo son how to play chess! So, we dusted off the old marble and brass decorative chess set we’d jammed in a closet after the last move and set it up. He’s well into the “I KNOW, DAD!” phase, and since I had no idea […]

36 Toddler Hide-And-Seek Masters! (Not Really)
The ability for kids to simply vanish into thin air is really the stuff of myth and legend. It’s like they’re tiny walking/toddling, talking/babbling mythological creatures! Living, breathing mirages! Elusive, giggling little optical illusions! Scroll through these photos and see if you can spot these maniacally genius hiders as they fold space and bend minds […]

10 Insider Tips for Playing with Kids
Here are some tips and warnings for parents signing up for the full-contact, mind-bending sport known as Playing. I’ve added 6-second videos to each point to demonstrate more fully humorously. You can turn the sound on and off in the lower-left of each video. (Some of these get a bit festive, so you may want […]

TODDLER BINGO! Because Parents Deserve to Win Something
The thing about playing Bingo is that you’re going to go through an epic crap ton of numbers before anyone hits five in a row. The same is true for Toddler Bingo. Parents will experience a vast array of toddlerisms before they hit the jackpot. Refusing to eat something, wanting to eat things they shouldn’t, […]

Daddy Vader Says… Rank Side of the Force
Sometimes your baby or child does things that impress you beyond the normal “wow, he squeezed my finger” or “holy crap, she ate the whole thing!” Stuff that’s extraordinary. These achievements can even get you thinking they’re prodigies at something, or what they’ve done is somehow foreshadowing of some specific future for them, some destiny. […]

Play Games… WITH PIZZA!
The DiGeniuses at DiGiorno ® helped us bring you this post, but the ideas are purely the symptoms of my own hunger and insanity and are intended for entertainment purposes only. Please operate pizza responsibly! It’s generally agreed that kids shouldn’t play with their food. This probably comes from the fact that kids’ […]