Hunting For Treasure In L.A.
The other day, I took my boys on a treasure hunt — an actual hunt for actual treasure. And as we crisscrossed Hollywood on the trail of [REDACTED], we naturally discussed aliens. Well, one alien in particular… Let me explain. In the film Earth to Echo, a group of kids discover a mysterious life-form and […]

An Honest Modern-Day Kids’ Fashion Paper Doll
Paper dolls have been around since forever, or the mid-18th century (close enough to forever). Little printed playthings you could cut out and dress up in coordinated outfits, luxurious new fashions, with PAIRS of the same socks and shoes, etc. Pure fantasy. It’s not that anyone who grows up really tires of fantasy and escape. […]

Playing this game could seriously teach parents some vital skills in raising their kids. First and foremost: PATIENCE. Followed by the close 2nd: the ability to tolerate sudden startling noises. There’s probably a whole grab bag of other useful parenting traits to be gained or honed in playing this updated version of the classic kids’ […]

The Evolutionary Progress of Kids’ Games
Listen, I’m not one of those old men sitting in his boxers on the porch spraying people with a hose as they walk all over his lawn. Okay, fine. I am, but with that completely aside, are kids today too coddled and catered to? I think the answer is “yes” and now I have unequivocal […]

My Son Is a Loser
We sit bobbing in the pool like pale apples waiting to be plucked. My son is crying into his flotation device and I am expectantly staring at him. This is not going as well as I’d hoped. “This game is boring and dumb. I hate it.” He’s over it. I’m treading water, literally and figuratively, […]

Daddy Vader Says… No Escape
Hhhhhhhooo-pahhhh…Hhhhhhhooo-pahhhh…Hhhhhhhooo-pahhhh… Yeah, the breathing is really ominous, sure. But it’s the things Daddy Vader says in between all the robotic huffing and puffing that gets an Imperial officer or a child shaking in their boots. Especially if they’ve just let a rebel ship get away, or because they need to “turn a frown upside down” […]

Notice Anything Different, Honey?
Hands on buzzers, people. What’s the exciting play-at-home game show of observation, memory and panic most couples have played, where one person is the unwitting contestant (or defendant) and the other person is host (or prosecutor) as well as being the game show board itself? It’s called Notice Anything Different, Honey? Let me explain. One […]

Daddy Vader Says… Victory
When you’re a kid, parents can be a little like Daddy Vader. Incredibly rad but at the same time intimidating in a way. Playing card games with him has to be a little more exciting than with anyone else. When he throws down, it’s a little more down than anyone else, right? At least when […]

Parentopoly, The Give ‘n’ Give ‘n’ Give Game
It’s likely you’ve played Monopoly before (even if you’ve never finished it), since statistically about 11 out 10 households have had the board game given as a gift one year or another. Parenting can truly seem like a game, too. How many times do you think one parent has said, “Go, it’s your turn!” to […]

Daddy Vader Says… Defend Yourself
Even if parents can’t wield the Force to deliver wedgies or noogies or zerbers from across a long dining table, kids need to be taught that they should be on their guard at all times. The way you teach them this is by delivering sneak-attack tickles, wedgies, noogies or zerbers. They’ll pick it up right […]