Daddy Vader Says… Displeased
What a kid and Imperial staff aboard the Death Star have in common is lots. Sometimes it seems ridiculously generous to use the “progress” for the chore or activity being performed. If something is worth asking to be done over and over and over again, it’s worth doing right. Right? The first time. Not after […]

Daddy Vader Says… Open Wide
Whatever mode of transportation you use to shuttle food into the cargo bay in your baby’s face station, we all have to admit that Yoda looked pretty good for a 900-year-old! Right??? And now that we all agree on that, let’s also all agree and admit that making a good tie fighter screech-roar is really […]

It’s one of the best kid’s games ever, jumping from furniture to furniture to avoid touching the ground, because it is lava. It turns out it’s also one of the best excuses ever. Come brush my teeth? Hah! Yeah right. The floor is lava! Time to do my chores? LAVA! You see, most parents don’t […]

My Wife Just Said… #125
[Answers cell phone] “You’re giving me away! Ha ha! I’m playing Hide and Seek with the little one! Your ring is giving me away! He’s coming…” [click] -Elizabeth Totally didn’t mind that hang up. My bad! In other related news, a Japanese professor is actually campaigning for Hide and Seek to be added to […]

Daddy Vader Says… Bedtime
They’ll pay you compliments and pour on the affection. They’ll make promises or deals. They’ll even resort to tormented begging and pouty threats. When it’s bedtime, kids’ll try nearly anything for that precious five more minutes.* * “five more minutes” is defined here in the sense that children use it: until the child passes out […]

Daddy Vader Says… Hide and Seek
Really though? With little kids, hide and seek is more like “hide and give up” or “hide and scream out where your cool hiding place is right away.” So, Daddy Vader being a menacing, inexorable seeker just doesn’t seem that Dark as far as sides of the Force go. As they get older though, watch […]

Daddy Vader Says… You Win at Losing
Parents can candy-coat it when they’re kicking their kid’s miniature butt in a game, to make them feel better and offer an emotional trophy for trying. Buck up, little champ, straight A’s for effort! You lost the battle but not the war! It’s always darkest before the dawn! Pffft! Kids know when they’re being vanquished. […]

I Call Bullshhhhh…
I call bulls**t! Whenever I see something impossible like this, that’s my immediate reaction. Maybe not always out loud, but sometimes definitely out and plenty loud. I’ve been fooled too many times by the Internet, and before that, by television and film when I was a kid.* * Do you like how I’m making it […]

My Kid Just Said… #3
“Daddy… Wet’s pway One-Two-Fwee, okay? OKAY! One! Two! NINE!” -Lucas (2011, 2 years old) Games with young kids = their rules. It’s okay though, I fully expect to lose every game. Always. I lost, so what! At least he’s learning his numbers and I’m laughing my ass off. My Kid Just Said The Facebook Page […]