7 Harry Potter Sequels NO ONE Wants to Happen
Whether it was the book or the films, a lot of us were sad when we came to the finale of the Harry Potter series. We got a brief glimpse of his future, older, married with kids, and were left to wonder to ourselves about the rest of the adult life of the Boy Who […]

If the Harry Potter Books Were Written From Voldmort’s Perspective
SPOLER ALERT: For anyone who hasn’t read all of the books… what have you been doing with your life!?! Sorry I mean, c’mon! Anyway. If you’re not done with the books, click here. I recently began the wondrous adventure of reading the Harry Potter books to my 7-year-old son. We raced through the […]

Villains and Vitality
I don’t really know what to say. We lose people every day, but it’s always a shock to lose people we all know. We collectively gasp and sigh over them. You’d think decades of people dying would train us to understand that it happens, no matter how sudden, but it doesn’t. Not really. Alan Rickman […]

Harry Potter and the Curious Cancer
I used to think life was a process of growing older and wiser. You put the puzzle pieces together, finding those intellectual edge pieces to the larger picture and placing them to make sense out of a 2,524,554,080 second blank jigsaw. Boys, take care of yourselves. Before you can't. I lost three close family members […]

A Little Girl’s Book of Poshens
Everyone knows kids look at the world through the magical lens of youth, but some of them document what they see. As a kid I was a poshen maker, too, so I was able to withstand the adorableness unharmed when a friend of mine posted pictures of her 6yo daughter’s book of potions…ehem “Poshens”. I […]