DO’s and DO-NOT’s for Halloween 2020
Let’s not put a mask on it. Halloween is going to be fairly sucky this year. Pandemic bummers aside, it was supposed to be exceptionally AMAZING. October 31st falls on both a full Blue Moon AND a Saturday! AND the clocks roll back an hour!!! Such a shame. In the days of Halloweens past, all […]

Extreme Tips for Over-Protecting Your Kids
I’ve joined forces with Responsibility.org as one of their paid ambassadors for their TalkEarly campaign, which is about, well… talking early about alcohol responsibility with your kids. Cheers! We all want to protect our kids’ innocence as long as possible. On one hand, we’re there to protect them; on the other hand, we’re supposed […]

Surviving Being a Passenger When Your Spouse Is Driving
“‹ Okay. Maybe they’re not terrible, crazy drivers (unlikely). Maybe it’s because we’re used to driving ourselves (probably not). Maybe your faith in their skill is shaky because they just hit their head on the fridge door or asked you where something was while they were holding it in their hand (now we’re talkin’). Whatever […]

How To Watch Your Kid Do Something “All By Myself”
As awesome and necessary as it is, growing kids up, sometimes it’s mind-bendingly hard to watch a kid do something on their own. It can be hard because it’s eye-twitchingly frustrating, from a time consuming standpoint, and from an ARE EVEN YOU KIDDING ME standpoint, as they turn their jacket inside out or something in […]

How to Deal with Extremely Awkward Kid Questions
Usually without warning, kids will ask you some shocking questions that’ll make you spit your coffee into another zip code. Some parents get nervous just thinking about having “The Talk.” Others have no problem discussing the birds and the bees, but might start looking for the nearest exit while fielding an inquiry about butt plugs. […]

How To Dad: Dad Hands + Velcro
Do you suffer from a case of “Dad Hands”? If you’ve tried to button little baby buttons on a baby’s onesie then you know the flushed anger and terror of trying to slip a tiny circle inside of a tiny opening with a writhing worm child. It’s the worst. So, as this father has put […]

How To: Get A Baby To Clean The House
This man. We’ve written about him before but the hits just keep coming. Is it black magic? Is it some sort of zookeeping expertise that allows him to corral and train babies? Is he a toddler whisperer? WHY CAN’T HE HELP MY KIDS DO WHAT I ASK? If anyone knows the secret to this father’s […]

The 5 Best ‘How To Dad’ Videos
Recently, I randomly made a “How To Dad” video after camping. I figured this site could use a little more helpful content. Though it was a totally random act, it reminded me of something. A little while back, we posted a video of a Kiwi dad with a hilarious review of various baby holds. Well, […]

Guide to Applying Sunscreen to a Child (or Wrestling a Croc)
We’ve partnered with Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen for this post because who doesn’t want to “go Austrailian” on protecting our kids from the sun, mate? Children are not always a fan of… a lot of things. Washing, seat-belting, eating, taking medicine, being sunscreened, wearing clothes. They’re often furiously disinterested in and agonized by all […]

5 Ways To Become The Best Dad Ever
The thing about becoming the best dad… there’s no right way. There’s no perfect way. But I’m going to try and help you here. Read on for the real deal on how to become the best dad in the history of dadness. With a list of course! 1. I HAVE NO F*&KING IDEA. Okay, just […]