5 Superhero Powers of Fatherhood
After having kids, I noticed I had some strange, unique abilities that never made themselves known while I was child-free. Maybe it’s because I spent last week at Comic-Con or maybe I just haven’t slept in about 7 years but I’m starting to wonder if all this parenting hasn’t mutated me or unlocked superpowers. It’s […]

19 Times You Realized You Were A Parent
Talking to a parents before you have kids is a surreal experience. Some of them hold back and don’t want to scare you from the weight of responsibility they face, while others use scare tactics to shock you into wondering whether you’ll be up to the task. No matter how you felt before kids, you […]

5 Parenting Lessons from Game of Thrones
If you’ve ever thought parenting was a tough ride, you should try Game of Thrones. The HBO series is essentially a parenting manual in the form of a fantasy series with boobies and bloody battles. Sure, there are lots of moments with family politics and questionable decision-making, BUT THAT’S JUST LIKE REAL LIFE. Here are […]

4 More Books My Sons Have To Read Before They’re 11
As I said in my last post, which you can visit if you want to get more ideas about some really amazing books, my older son Finn and I love to read together. He also loves to read on his own and then boast about how he’d finished books without me. Anyway, your mileage may […]

5 Tips For School Dropoffs
School has begun and people have begun inundating our social feeds with quaint, sappy photos of their sweet little bags of questions and poopies. Today, I’d like to speak to you, parents, visiting the school to drop off your kids. I’ve been going for a few weeks now, and I’ve noticed a couple of trends. […]

21 Things I’m Nervous About With My Son Going Into Kindergarten
My son starts kindergarten in less than two weeks. I’m feeling a little pantspoopingly nervous about it, if I’m being honest. The worst part is when I look for resources on preparing for Kindergarten, the articles usually state or start with “stay calm.” I WAS ALMOST CALM UNTIL YOU SAID THAT. Those articles with lists […]

5 Things My Son Must Do Before I Die
I decided, randomly, to start a list of things for my eldest son to do before I die. Not sure why, exactly, but I guess part of the operation of getting older is distilling down things into lists and ordered bullet points. It’s a scam, really, getting older. It presupposes you have any interest in […]

5 Videos Describe Parenting In Under 10 Seconds
Many people yell at email us with very deep, introspective questions about fatherhood and parenting. Today, we’d like to address some of these questions head on in the most effective manner the internet can handle: short, silly videos in a list format. Most of us are so concerned with getting this parenting thing right, we […]

7 Side Effects Of Parenthood No One Talks About
Listen, nobody is perfect. But that concept extends especially to parents. Not because we screw up more, mind you, but we have a living reminder of all of our mistakes and uncertainty constantly asking us questions, second guessing our every move and generally making it hard to think straight. We get so wrapped up doing […]

10 Sketches of Dads By Their Kids, Part 1
It seems like everyone is starting to gear up for Father’s Day, and what better way to get things started than something ridiculously sentimental and fun. Some dads are sketchy, and by that I mean they have awesome artwork made by their kids. We asked dads for pictures of them sketched, painted or otherwise drawn […]