My Wife Just Asked… #318
When you become a parent, your physical appearance can become a ridiculously low priority. Looking “good” is an expendable commodity we can trade for the precious few minutes we save ignoring it. This is especially true for moms and dads who are the primary caretaker of a youngling. Dressing up? Hah! Hilarious. A nice outfit? […]

My Wife Just Said… #314
It’s not that I’m completely incapable of taking care of myself. It’s that I’m mostly incapable of it. Probably. My wife and I have our own particular setup. Every couple develops a system and routines in their marriage and in parenthood, whether all duties are shared or divided up. Whatever works. Hopefully. I’d like to […]

Surviving Being a Passenger When Your Spouse Is Driving
“‹ Okay. Maybe they’re not terrible, crazy drivers (unlikely). Maybe it’s because we’re used to driving ourselves (probably not). Maybe your faith in their skill is shaky because they just hit their head on the fridge door or asked you where something was while they were holding it in their hand (now we’re talkin’). Whatever […]

My Wife Just Lost Something… #310
My wife is so good at putting things away, by golly, they STAY put away. Sometimes for years. Only to be rediscovered when we move. Maybe. I can’t fault her, though. When you look at the bazillion things she juggles, it makes sense that some things would slip through the cracks. As understandable as it […]

My Wife Just Said… #308
Our reliance on our phones has made us pretty terrible about tracking certain things. For instance, I can pretty much only remember my own phone number and 911. I might be able to guess about 5 or 6 digits correctly in my wife’s phone number. It’s the same with directions. Google and our map apps […]

Did You Do Your Part(ner)? (Giveaway)
I partnered with Plum Organics for their Do Your Part(ner) campaign. Isn’t it romantic? Before this Valentine’s Day swept us all off our feet (or plopped us onto a cozy couch to pass out), I teamed up with Plum Organics for my hopefully-funny Realistic Love Notes for Parents to help launch their Do Your […]

Realistic Love Notes for Parents
There’s really only one thing that changes dramatically when you have a baby: EVERYTHING. Sure we all lose a lot of sleep, money, energy, car keys and brain cells. We don’t tend to blab online about intimacy as much, but it takes a huge hit, too. So, let’s all snuggle up with a “tell […]

My Wife Just Said… #301
Those words, uttered by any human being, male or female, are the clearest indication you’re about to hear something that is not at all funny. And, true to form, it wasn’t. My wife continued on to unload some serious distaste for something that was pretty awful. Once someone says “you know what’s so funny,” you […]

Nerf Wars: Revenge of the Husband
Listen, my wife and I have a funny, and to those on the outside, odd relationship sometimes. We do things that annoy each other on purpose. We sometimes wrestle around in bed. We make sounds or voices that grate on our respective last nerves. This woman? Well, she’s a saint for putting up with this […]

My Wife Just Said to Herself… #289
When your wife says something that makes little to negative-eleven sense, a husband would probably do well to simple nod and say, “Ah.” I however made the mistake chose to join in the conversation. She’d said something random about an Amazon order, I think. My bad for thinking she was talking to me, whatever was […]