KidzPoop – Bad Product Idea
So, this may actually be a good product idea if you’re looking to become a millionaire fast, but not so much in terms of overall parenting, and raising kids that aren’t embarrassments in society. Anymore than they already may be. If you have a little kid, and haven’t yet experienced them replacing words in song […]

What If Famous Movie Themes Were Replaced With Pop Music?
My wife recently asked me when Star Wars was released. I told her 1977 and randomly thought of the popular music of the era and laughed imagining the movie with disco music instead of the orchestral genius of John Williams. So I had the idea of putting this video together: 12 movies with iconic instrumental […]

My Wife Just Sang… #328
Don’t get me wrong, Total Eclipse of the Heart is a great song, I love it. But any parent knows that anything good can be ruined by experiencing it several hundreds of times. Parents who watched Frozen, may have said “Hey, this is actually a pretty good movie,” and then, after a few weeks of […]

My Wife Just Said… #322
After my wife said this ““ well, after I was done laughing ““ I told her she just might have happened upon a billion dollar idea, there. Those Kidz Bop albums (with little kids singing covers of pop music) seem to sell like hot cakes, and I’m pretty sure if there was a “Fart Bop” […]

Toddler Waits for the Beat to Drop and then Busts an Adorable Move
Whatever music we listen too, most of us have songs that groove us enough to get our body movin’. Or, for those of us who were pummeled into deeply anxious levels of insecurity as a kid or at school, there are songs that at least make you want to groove out. Even if just in […]

Metallica + The Roots + Classroom Instruments = YES
I grew up with Metallica serving as a symbol for San Francisco. I knew James Hetfield was born there, like I was. And almost 20 years ago I went to the taping of their live album with the San Francisco symphony. My entry point to their music was definitely the Black album, but that opened […]

This Singing Kid Is My Life
This has been a long week, too. Life has been a tough go, and even some of the joyful things have been brutal. This kid is everything. He commits to singing these ABCs even it apparently causes him physical pain or something. Sure, I get very nervous singing in front of people. It’s sort of […]

The Coolest 4th Grade Teacher Ever
My son is only in first grade, but I believe I’ve met the coolest 4th grade teacher ever. As written in the description on this video, Mr. Reed sounds like the raddest: “Instead of sending out the boring, old, “Welcome Back” newsletter, Mr. Reed, a first year teacher from Chicago, wrote a rap song for […]

The Most Talented Baby Pianist In Ever
It seems like the flow of information in this internet age has produced brilliance and talent at never-before-seen rates. Child prodigies seem to be cropping up faster and it’s humbling to see the level of genius possible in such tiny people. It’s honestly intimidating. Today I want introduce you to the most brilliant pianist I’ve […]

5 DOs & DON’Ts for Being a Rad Concert Dad
This Instructional Diagram is sponsored by Vivid Seats, because they share our quirky sense of humor and our love of going to concerts and sporting events. Most of us have great memories from when we were kids, and music or sports are often a precious part of the treasure trove of our adolescence experiences. […]