Gifspirational Posters (Honest Ones for Parents)
When you’re a parent, the already daunting road of Life can seem hard enough to travel without having to drag along flailing kids and all the gear that comes with them. We could all use a little inspiration from time to time. Besides coffee. Inspirational quotes by famous figures, and nuggets of wisdom from smart […]

Types of Boogers (A Cartoonized Guide)
When we’re younger, we’re nearly always poorly educated about boogers. It’s obvious kids are fascinated by them, but parents and adults don’t tend to go much beyond “stop that” and “oh god gross” and “get that out of your mouth!” when it comes to the subject. Kids are typically left to explore the two tunnels […]

Bathroom Privacy – Scrabble Scribble #11
Kids have a very particular set of skills; skills they have acquired over the entirety of their young lives. Skills that make them a nightmare for people like you and me; parents. No matter what you do, they will look for you, they will find you, and they will do and say ALL OF […]

What It’s Like Being A Parent: Part Six
Last week, we described what parenting is like when kids have siblings. It’s basically like juggling angry kittens Today, let’s chat about getting your kids home from the park, school or some other event. Any time you absolutely have to leave and get the kids in the car, it’s not a good time for your […]

Tough Little Guy
Since I was a kid I had a problem with the concept of “being tough.” I’m sure some meathead out there will explain to me this is because I was a total wuss and then crush a beer can on his forehead. As I grew up though, my understanding of “toughness” slowly evolved from the […]

TODDLER BINGO! Because Parents Deserve to Win Something
The thing about playing Bingo is that you’re going to go through an epic crap ton of numbers before anyone hits five in a row. The same is true for Toddler Bingo. Parents will experience a vast array of toddlerisms before they hit the jackpot. Refusing to eat something, wanting to eat things they shouldn’t, […]

What It’s Like Being A Parent: Part Five
Last week, we described what parenting is like when kids have accidents. It’s inevitable. And brutal. Today, let’s chat about siblings. Having a baby is a magical thing. But then you start to wonder if you should have more. My wife and I debated over this topic for a while. Having two babies is a […]

My Kid Just TEXTED… #53
The first “text” my youngest son sent me looked more like someone poured water on my wife’s phone. This was the first text exchange with my youngest son, Lucas, 5 years old. Well… the first one that made sense. Sort of. My two older boys were already learning advanced math when they got their phones, […]

‘Boyhood,’ Manhood and Everything in Between
A couple weeks ago, I went to see a movie with a friend. We’re both fathers and very open about how hard it can be. We vent, and inappropriately joke about the crushing effort required to make sure a distinctly separate human being from ourselves doesn’t end up maiming, dulling or otherwise mortally wounding themselves […]

The Swiss Parenting Tool
Be prepared is the Boy Scouts’ motto. And, though this applies well to parenting, the Boy Scout handbook doesn’t have a lot to say about having a baby, but, like the wilds of Nature, when the test of your survival fitness begins, Parenthood doesn’t care how prepared you are. Nature doesn’t forgive you for not […]