Parties: Before and After Kids
Having kids is such a gift, one that gives you soooooo much. But it also takes things from you. It eats all your food, throws up on your shirt, uses up your toilet paper, walks into rooms naked, constantly asks questions and sleeps most of the time unless it’s bedtime. Looking at it now, kids […]

The Wanted
Finn, this weekend after I put you on a timeout you said to me, “You don’t want me anymore?” If I never hear those words again in my life it will be too soon. We talked about why you thought that, what it means to be an older brother and then I asked you a […]

Scareded – Scrabble Scribble #10
The most innocent things can backfire on parents. There’s really no “winning” with kids. No sure formula. What was delicious today may be the worst thing they’ve ever eaten tomorrow. A lullaby might send them to sleep or to the mad house. Seriously. I laughed at my son’s joke the other day and he […]

My Wife and Kid Just Said… #167
Wife: “No, I don’t have a penis. I have a vagina.” Son: “A bagina? Where does the pee come out???” Wife: “There’s a… hole.” Son: “In you butt?” Wife: “No, the front… The fluffy part.” Listening to my wife, Lizze, and my youngest son Lucas (5yo), I wanted to laugh […]

Parenting Hindsight is 20/??
If time travel were possible you can bet that most of the travelers would be parents desperately seeking to undo things that have happened or check up on their kids down the line. We live in a constant state of hindsight and it’s honestly the lamest superpower anyone could have. Today, we’ve partnered with Lifelock […]

Infomercial Parenting Style
There are all kinds of parenting styles that have been given clever little labels and been written about thoroughly out there. There’s an even greater word-count online in the debates and commentary about which one’s are the happy-go-bestest and which ones will lead to a child’s utter and total dysfunction, derangement and probably even super […]

Uber for Parents
I can’t tell if technology is helping or hurting us. Hell, if Stephen Hawking is worried about the ability of a sentient technology to “design improvements to itself and outsmart us all” — then I’m frigging scared. Well, I think it’s high time we make technology our parenting bitch. Let’s start with transportation because it […]

An Honest Modern-Day Kids’ Fashion Paper Doll
Paper dolls have been around since forever, or the mid-18th century (close enough to forever). Little printed playthings you could cut out and dress up in coordinated outfits, luxurious new fashions, with PAIRS of the same socks and shoes, etc. Pure fantasy. It’s not that anyone who grows up really tires of fantasy and escape. […]

Beware of Bad Parentexting
The days have passed when VCRs blinked 12:00 as a signal to one and all that technology had gotten ahead of its owner and they didn’t know how to set the clock. Ironically, this is a timeless theme, though. Cavekids probably rolled their eyes under their jutting brows as they watched their parents use a […]

5 Parenting Lessons from ‘Bill & Ted’
It’s no secret that, like, we’re one of the most helpful and totally masterful websites when it comes to non-heinous parenting. People constantly come up to Andy and I begging for the epic secrets to being the raddest dads of all time. We usually just keep walking with our sunglasses on and earbuds in. Dudes, […]