Wiping the Slate Clean
When you become a parent, there are certain things you anticipate and others that even Dr. Seuss couldn’t have even begun to imagine. You look forward to holding your baby and hearing their voice. You wonder about the foods they might prefer or which Star Wars character they’ll identify with most. Fantasize about how they […]

My Wife Just Said… #135
“You’re asking if I’m doing okay? Well… no one’s dead yet.” -Elizabeth Sometimes the state of things needs to be looked at from a really wide perspective. Things can seem so extreme that “good” and “bad” can take on the comparable of “dead” or “not dead.” ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…” Star Wars […]

Old Yeller Parenting
With the wild success of The Daddy Complex’s “CTFD Parenting” and a multitude of other parenting philosophies variously titled with animals names, military equipment and dance moves, we think it’s time we got in on this lucrative moneymaking scheme. Today, we submit to you: “Old Yeller Parenting.” No, we don’t shoot our kids, you lunatic. […]

“Bath Time” : Convos With My 2-Year-Old
Bath time can be the most ME of “me times.” This proves difficult though for little kids, who require constant parental supervision when immersed in water within a hard, slippery surface. Parents know all about their privacy evaporating when they have kids, but for kids it’s also an uphill battle; a hill draped with a […]

My Wife Just Texted… #127
It’s always nice to get a heads-up when there are hazards ahead. Might want to swing by the flower shop. Or the liquor store. ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…” Video game conferencing > Video conferencing. Follow us on Facebook. It’s the best way to stay connected to us.

Staring at Nothing
He’s sitting there next to me with the book open. The closeness of his face to its cardboard pages a gauge of his intensity. It must be a good one, he’s already holding it inches away as he pretends to read it to me in his bed. He’s four. He’s adorable. He’s totally absorbed. Me? […]

Parenterms: “Pajdrama”
Parents know: you can lead a horse* to water**, but you can’t make them drink***. * kid ** bed *** sleep Trying to saddle up the stubborn little pony that is your child with pajamas is occasionally only a little bit less impossible than getting them to close their eyes and go to “for reals” […]

Parenting Metaphor: Fake Bungee Jumping
You are diving into an abyss when you decide to have a child. No matter how prepared or learned you are, parenting can be a great equalizer. Parenting advice can only get you so far I think this video of a bunch of Norwegian dudes pranking a groom-to-be at his bachelor party sums it up […]

Tired Parent Motel
It’s Friday night. You’ve reserved a babysitter seven days in advance, the calendar is marked, and now that the time has come — you’re dead tired. You WANT to have a good time. You NEED a break. But it’s the end of the week and you can barely spell “Floccinaucinihilipilification.” That’s a real word, by […]