The Bee Jay and the Spelling Code of Parents
This is a bee jay. No, folks, it isn’t actually a real species of bird. I created it for you! To begin illustrating a point, and to possibly offer a much-needed way out for any unfortunate parent who’s kid has said something like this: “Whu’s a bee jay wook wike? Daddy must wuvs dem. He […]

Bad Product Idea #10: Peter Pottymouth Proper Pronunciation Wheel
Whether you chuckle or upchuck a little when your little one accidentally swears because of mispronunciation, it’s okay, sheet happens. Rest assured! It’s just part of learning to talk. But now, with the Peter Pottymouth Proper Pronunciation Wheel, you can put rocket boosters on the unfortunately foul-mouthed part of the learning process. Grandma’s poor heart […]

Pocket Intruders
Disclosure: This post is brought to you by LifeLock, a leader in identity theft protection. I’ve had my wallet stolen over 100 times. I know that sounds like a lot, but maybe you’re forgetting I have kids. BUT! I’ve been pickpocketed a couple of times “for realsies.” The First Time In my teens, I journeyed […]

Bad Product Idea #9: KiddleProd Child Motivation Enhancement Utility
[ click the image to enlarge ] Are you tired of how many times you have to ask your child to do or stop doing something, keeping exact count of how many times so they can’t turn around and correct you when you give an inexact guesstimate of how many times you’ve already asked? Are […]

The Super Mega PERIOD
Not that kind of “period.” The period that ends a sentence. Or in this case, unleashes armageddon on an entire line of discussion and debate, or backtalk festivals and whiney begging campaigns, in the case of children and politicians. When you’re trying to give a final answer on a subject that won’t seem to end, […]

My sons, Cody and Max at a war memorial, 10 and 8 years old, 2008. At first I thought they were making fun or at least making dumb. Sometimes it’s hard to tell with kids. Let me explain. We’d just moved and I was using the pools of green on the navigation system’s map to […]

The Language of Parents
Talking is such an important milestone in raising kids. But having kids, for whatever reason, apparently comes with a cost: your own ability to speak properly. Maybe it’s just my wife and me (I’m only saying that to be generous and polite). I know from conversing with plenty other parents that it’s not just our […]

Baby Sleep Positions (1-10)
[ click the image to enlarge ] Co-sleeping with your baby can be one of the greatest joys or torments of parenting. It’s not for everyone, but for those who have… Which of these have you experienced? If you’ve co-slept with your baby in bed for more than a day, the better question might be: […]