Can You Guess Which Animated Films Have Alcohol? (QUIZ)
As part of the TalkEarly team for Responsibiliy.org, (encouraging early convos with kids about responsible drinking), I had the idea of putting together an interesting quiz that may even surprise you! This isn’t to highlight good or bad impressions of alcohol, just to show that early impressions do exist. Some are just seconds, but try […]

12 Rad Dad Moments
Rad dad moments aren’t just ninja reflexes for those lightning-fast saves. Teaching, playing, wrangling, soothing, patiently enduring; it can be any kind of dadding. These moments don’t even have to be experiences that anyone else witnesses ““ moments your kid might not even be aware of their specialness. When you’re just proud of yourself and […]

My Wife Just Said… #335
I’m not sure most parents realize or fully appreciate that they get to be mythological characters for their kids. We get to be things like Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and so forth. I’m actually kinda realizing it myself, that there are quite a lot of fantasy roles we get to play as […]

My Wife Just Said… #333
Last weekend my wife and I went on a date night. I can’t remember when the last time we did one, honestly. Either because my memory is that wrecked these days, or it was so long ago that it’s hard to see past the mental cobwebs. Probably both. Make that definitely both. During the day, […]

The Symptoms of Bad Influence-itis
I’ve joined forces with Responsibility.org as one of their paid ambassadors for their TalkEarly campaign, which is about, well… talking early about alcohol responsibility with your kids. Cheers! Parents can make little furry loaves of fallen-out hair in the shower drain worrying about their kids getting sick. But, there’s another non-physical strain of contagion […]

My Kid Just Said… #64
I like to think of words as ingredients in a sentence or statement. You’ve got your fast-food m’kay’s and Idunno’s, and you’ve got your everyday meals of chit chat, and there’s also the more elaborate culinary creations of deep philosophic discussions and funny stories. Sometimes, though, I like to whip up something a bit spicy. […]

My Wife Just Sang… #328
Don’t get me wrong, Total Eclipse of the Heart is a great song, I love it. But any parent knows that anything good can be ruined by experiencing it several hundreds of times. Parents who watched Frozen, may have said “Hey, this is actually a pretty good movie,” and then, after a few weeks of […]

My Wife Just Said… #326
Sometimes we put off things, kidding ourselves that they won’t be so bad when we do them later. HAH! I’m not sure how we fool ourselves into these utter interplanetary flights of fancy. Maybe it’s that our distaste for a task is so extreme that it gives us the delusion-fuel we need to con ourselves […]

Drama, It’s What’s for Dinner (Video Compilation)
I can’t personally remember being an absolute douchecanoe about food when I was a kid. Then I thought this might be some kind of self-imposed amnesia our bodies perform, because if they didn’t, we might not procreate as a species if we had crystal clear memories of the little horrors we were. So, I asked […]

11 Family Comics of an Edgier but Safe-for-Work Sort
A good o’l clean, wholesome joke can hit the funny spot nicely, but after watching G-rated animated shows and films practically on loop until your eyes see brightly-colored pixels, you can develop a hankering for something a little more mature, a little darker maybe. Not evil dark, or porny mature, but just some humor that […]