My Wife Just Shouted… #325
We all want our kids to be themselves. Until “being themselves” is them hollering down grocery aisles with a baguette lightsaber and their shirt wrapped around their head. Kids can come up with some pretty record-scratchy, startling comebacks that leave us parents speechless; either because they’re so spot on, it’s hard to counter their really […]

Are You a Better Parent?
Fellow joke teller and new friend of mine, Karen Johnson (The 21st Century SAHM) recently posted this and, though it’s written from the perspective of a mom, it spoke to me as a father. Yelled at me, really. Her words are truly universal to parenting, and they’ve since gone completely bat-shit viral. I’m not at […]

Serious Subjects Can Get Seriously Silly with Kids
When you tackle a subject with your kid that’s one of the more life-lessonie topics, it can be pretty dang interesting. You start to find out what they have -100 clues about, and what they’ve picked up from wherever. But, like a lollipop that rolled under the couch, sometimes some pretty unusual stuff sticks to […]

44 Bad Parent Tattoos, But I Mean HORRIFICALLY Bad
We’ve all got our opinions about tattoos. Some of us love ’em and some of us don’t, but it’s a safe bet that we can all sit down together and agree that these tattoos are just friggin’ awful. I completely understand that the love a parent has for their kid could create a strong impulse […]

28 Completely Unnecessarily Honest Notes from Kids
The other day my 7-year-old son and I were headed home from an errand, and he asked me if we had time to play when we got home. I told him, sure, but when we started talking about what we would play, he started disqualifying certain things. “We shouldn’t play tag, because I know you’re […]

My Wife Just Lost It… #320
In the fevered rush to get ready for summer break, sometimes you have a bit of an emotional break. Getting schooling and homework all done, projects, rehearsals for the end of school show, plus every other goddam thing in the life of a child wrangler, it can get to you. Everyone has their breaking point, […]

Box of Imagination
Amazing comic by The Awkward Yeti, a must-follow (his Facebook). ““ Kids have wild and vibrant imaginations. Imaginations that also have some seriously long-distance endurance. Nearly any adult playing pretend or listening to a kid tell a story they’re making up as-they-go can start to look around with slightly frantic eyes after a while, looking […]

My Wife Just Asked… #318
When you become a parent, your physical appearance can become a ridiculously low priority. Looking “good” is an expendable commodity we can trade for the precious few minutes we save ignoring it. This is especially true for moms and dads who are the primary caretaker of a youngling. Dressing up? Hah! Hilarious. A nice outfit? […]

Cute Girl Has Hilarious Trouble Saying Th*cker
When kids are little, and just start learning how to speak, you get all sort of priceless pronunciations. They use Ws for Ls, making adorable words like “wittle yewwow wemons.” They smash their Rs or drop them out, so they sound a cutely British when they refer to their “wed wace cahw.” Then there’s the […]

My Wife Just Said… #316
Homework can be like the ghost of Schooling Past, come to haunt and torment parents as their kids rise through their schooling. While I applaud my 7-year-old’s eagerness for homework and I’m incredibly grateful he hasn’t developed a distaste for it (yet), my wife and I still internally moan a bit when the homework folder […]