Kids Are Masters of Life-Napping (20 GIFs)
For people who can fall asleep nearly anywhere (in any position, at any time of day, while doing anything), children sure can be impossible to put to sleep. They’re like little dozing narcoleptics who also have terrible insomnia. To say this is frustrating for parents is like saying the sun is a bit toasty. Sure […]

Job Description: PARENT
Job Title: Parent (Mother / Father) Department: Human Development Hours & Schedule: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year Location: Everywhere Job Description Updated: Hourly Position Summary The care and feeding of a miniature human. Backbreaking and mind-numbing manual, mental and emotional labor. Keeping your cool under pressure, exhaustion, overload, […]

20 Hilarious Parenting Memes
Parenting has a lot of funny moments to it, and even the not-so-funny moments can be made fun of pretty damn majestically. There are a truck ton of hilarious kid-owners out there shouting their jokes from the social media rooftops as humorous text, picture of video memes. I have the pleasure of knowing a bunch […]

History’s Freakiest Baby Products
Sometimes we parents will come across ads or informercials for baby and kid-related products that seem silly or kinda useless. If we look back in time, though, when “men were men and women were women,” and both apparently didn’t seem overly concerned with infant or child safety, we can behold some very weird or outstandingly […]

Our Futuristic Photo Albums
We live in a very futuristic today. The world is so technological, in ways very few people could have ever anticipated. And since parenting is the most basic building block of humanity, it’s obviously been affected in many ways. Back in the day, a mom might have made a scrapbook (without the help of Pinterest […]

Love Can Be… (8 Parenting Comics)
There’s that famous, beautifully and savagely true quote about how children are like your heart being outside of your body. They get hurt and you gasp as if in pain. They make an achievement and you’re filled with pride. They’re brutally honest and, well… you still love them, even though your smile might now be […]

“ME TOO” – Scrabble Scribble #19
Kids can be brutally independent. They don’t like this awesome thing. They love that awful thing. They’re their own person, before we and the world ever have a chance to imply what they should be. Then, there’s this age when they become aware of things outside of themselves. They’ve always loved us, their parents, but […]

A Toddler’s Guide to Being a Helpful Passenger
Driving with kids can be rough. Quite often “rough” like wearing a potato sack for underwear on a 10 mile marathon. They really do make it interesting at any age. When they’re little bundles of burps, it can be surprise diaper blowouts, random screaming and begging for you to hand them this, that and everything. […]

My Wife Just Said… #297
Our 7-year-old son has been hopped up on the holiday spirit for weeks now. Being at home, off schedule with family visiting and generally consuming above normal levels sugared goods have all certainly contributed to his state of heightened festivity. Playing, even by himself, somehow turns into a full-contact sport and can sound like a […]