11 Darker Family Comics PART 2
Once you’ve heard enough of Elmo’s helium laughs or Winnie the Pooh’s festive giggles, parents can develop an appetite for some humor that’s a little more mature than Thomas the Tank Engine’s eyes rolling like cooky spinning tops. Let’s enjoy some cartoon characters saying things that we wouldn’t necessarily show our kids, but we won’t […]

36 Mindsploding Costumes That’ll Make Others Look Like a Potato Sack
It’s not a competition. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any winners. Don’t sweat it, though. It doesn’t mean we’re worse parents if we don’t go full-Halloween on our costume game. We don’t all have the time or money or brain power. But these people most certainly do. Wow. We’re all winners when people […]

Things No Parent Ever Wants Stopped up
You see a LOT of jokes out there about the funny and not-so-funny poop expereinces parents endure. Heck! A huge percentage of those joke are mine. But there’s another kind of struggle that’s horribly real. The opposite of poop; when the little one just isn’t going at all and their mud dumper seems to be […]

Our Parents Had It Sooooooo Easy
You know that old “back in my day” line, where older folks grumble about how hard they had it; carrying half a library, barefoot for ten miles to school, uphill both ways, that sort of thing? Well, you don’t hear too much from them like that about how they had it as parents. Earlier generations […]

What I Say VERSUS What My Kid Hears
The number one waste of oxygen on the planet is parents telling their kids things. Probably. Something seems to get lost in translation from the moment sound leaves a parents lips to their kids’ banana-filled ears on the way to the blank slates of the perpetual-imagination machines in their little round heads. Most kids’ ability […]

He Just Wants To Be A Real Boy
A photo posted by Charlie Capen (@charliecapen) on Aug 13, 2015 at 4:53pm PDT How does this happen? I need answers. I feel like Geppetto and my marionette son is becoming a real boy. But the truth is I’m the dummy. Every day is a process of chipping away my own woodenness as a parent. […]

This Dad Gets It
The following was posted on Facebook and shared into my feed last night. It sums up something I’ve been going through with my older son. Though Finn isn’t autistic he is a special brand of human: sensitive, brilliant, quirky, analytical, impulsive, hilarious. And this boy, below, seems like a brother from another mother. But I […]

Kids Can Be Such Little Sh… Darlings (8 Comics)
Of course, kids are soooooo worth it. But let’s acknowledge the fact that no one ever says something is “worth it” unless it comes at a cost. And saying parenting comes with a cost is like saying a space shuttle is a bit on the pricey side. So, let’s laugh at 8 Fowl Language Comics […]

Parenting Without A Manual
A photo posted by Charlie Capen (@charliecapen) on Sep 5, 2016 at 8:38pm PDT There are some days when I feel like I have no idea how to parent. You encounter a lot of imponderable stuff when you’re dealing with the formation of a human being. There are so many outcomes based on how strict, […]

Drugs, They’re a Hell of a Drug
Talking to your kids about drugs is positively awesome. Knee-jerk sarcasm there, sorry. It’s awful. How do you explain something like drugs to someone who still collects sidewalk pebbles and thinks of bagels as fake doughnuts? You wait ’till they’re older? Well yeah, but I was recently forced to give it a shot with […]