Quite Simply The Best Star Wars Commercial
Listen, I don’t like watching bad commercials. They’ve become the thing we skip, if we aren’t streaming or internetting all the time. They make you want to shoot your television. Can you remember your favorite commercials (not from the BIG FOOTBALL GAME every year)? Maybe you’ll remember one or two at the most. This is, […]

If Parents Renamed Products Honestly
If some brands wanted their products to really speak to parents, they’d probably need a name makeover. Let’s look at a few products with new names and logos that might not be more appealing but are certainly more accurate. Pregnancy Test Bread Classic View-Master Toy Lunch Snack Granola Bars Slide Whistle […]

5 Superhero Powers of Fatherhood
After having kids, I noticed I had some strange, unique abilities that never made themselves known while I was child-free. Maybe it’s because I spent last week at Comic-Con or maybe I just haven’t slept in about 7 years but I’m starting to wonder if all this parenting hasn’t mutated me or unlocked superpowers. It’s […]

What I Worry About
Occasionally, a parent-to-be will come and ask me for advice about parenting. Crazy, right? They’re so focused on what could happen or what to do, they miss one of the most important elements of the whole process. It’s not for lack of trying or thoughtfulness, but most of us start off with a mindset that […]

The Conceit of Clark Kent
We’ve all donned, at one time or another, a costume made from something pretend. A hero, a princess, a warrior, an artist — we found our identity through this play. Imaginations have always been part and parcel to the fabric of childhood but we grew up, forced to focus on the road ahead, and we […]

19 Times You Realized You Were A Parent
Talking to a parents before you have kids is a surreal experience. Some of them hold back and don’t want to scare you from the weight of responsibility they face, while others use scare tactics to shock you into wondering whether you’ll be up to the task. No matter how you felt before kids, you […]

Dadding Smarter, Not Harder
Necessity may be the “mother of all invention” but laziness is its father. At least for me. I know dads don’t have the market cornered on lazy ingenuity, of course. And it’s not really “laziness” to have a lip-chewing dislike for performing a thousand tedious tasks, a million times over and over again, throughout the […]

My Wife Just Said… #261
She was right. Our son was in his room “playing” with action figures on the dog. The poor fluffy pooch was sitting there patiently but looked up with “save me” eyes. I extracted him with a finger wag to my son. “‹There’s an ability parents gain, deciphering the sounds and cries their babies and kids […]

5 Reasons My Single Mom Helped Me Become A Better Father
Last week, I had the privilege of speaking at the White House. From morning until the early evening, we heard from panels of educators, researchers, marketers, brand representatives and parents all talking about the topic of gender disparity and stereotypes that face our children. We heard how girls are driven to great lengths to achieve […]

Dads: What People Think
This kind of “what people think” internet joke showcases the misconceptions about a type of person or job from the various clichéd perspectives of others. I was pleasantly surprised at how hard this was to put together for Dads. Not everyone’s MIL thinks their grandchildren are being neglectfully left to some laptop Skynet nanny setup, […]