The More You Know, Y’know (3 Comics)
Like some avid collector of deadly insects, a parent will wind up cataloging thousands of the little red flags they discover in the adventures of parenthood. All the things to watch out for with their kids, as well as all the dangers that come FROM them. So, here. Enjoy some bitter, knowing laughter from these […]

Parenting Summed Up In 9 Seconds
If you ask any parent how they see themselves in the job of guardian of their kids, they’ll probably tell you it’s pretty thankless. Sure, there are moments of rewarding feelings and on the off-chance your kid actually says “thank you” or “I love you” or just “HELLO DAD” — it feels pretty amazing. But […]

Weird Celebrity Parent Moments!
I’ve often told people that I’m pretty excited/terrified to hear all of the ways my kids will one day interpret my parenting. Every day, I’m arming them with a golden nugget of an opportunity to blackmail or otherwise extort me. It’s part of the payoff of being a dad. The more engaged you are in […]

10 Things My Kids Will Never Know
Teaming up with Clorox, we have some nostalgic parental perspective to drop on you. The cycle of outdating seems like it downed a fistful of steroids with a gallon of coffee, everything is changing and progressing so fast now. However fast or slow times change, a universal truth for any generation is: there will […]

Dad Shames Kids for Report Card
Listen, I’m not above using any means necessary when it comes to teaching my kids to aspire to greater things. But I think this might cross the line for me. Though it’s sort of visually humorous out of context, the fact is this dad’s making his kids feel ashamed and encouraging their ridicule for the […]

It’s Like They’re TRYING to Drive Us Insane (5 Comics)
It seems ridiculously inconceivable that a species with offspring that relies on its parents to survive would also be bent upon the utter annihilation of its parents mental stability. Once you have kids, this somehow doesn’t seem so inconceivable. Here are 5 Fowl Language Comics that show some of lowlights of the parental decent into […]

My Wife Just Swore… #249
“I never swear. Well… rarely. When I do, I usually say ‘motherf**king c**ksucker’.” ““Elizabeth One could easily describe my own speech as “colorful.” I like to think of statements as recipes, and swear words are some of the zestiest ingredients. My wife’s speech tends to be pretty bland as far as cursing is concerned, […]

100% Accurate Animated Video of Juggling Two Kids
Imagine you are holding a child. Or a running chainsaw. Now, imagine doing that with two chainsaws. Or children. Once you go from 1 to 2, you’re juggling. And if they’re chainsaws, you’re probably also on your way to the nearest ER soon. People without kids tend to… not get it. What it’s all like. […]

5 Photos that Show What Parenting Is ACTUALLY Like
We’re teaming up with Clorox to share some of the sweet and sour realities of parenthood. Imagine if someone was recommending parenthood to you, like a movie recommendation. They might say you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll lay awake sleepless at night (for years probably), you’ll be on the edge of your seat (except you […]

The Heights of Growing Up
We teamed up with Clorox to tell you some stories of the trials and treats of parenthood. We want them to grow up, it’s our job as parents, but at the same time we soon learn how bitter-sweet it can be. When their tiny little fists let go of our thumbs. When we can’t […]