7 Harry Potter Sequels NO ONE Wants to Happen
Whether it was the book or the films, a lot of us were sad when we came to the finale of the Harry Potter series. We got a brief glimpse of his future, older, married with kids, and were left to wonder to ourselves about the rest of the adult life of the Boy Who […]

Children’s Classic Books Ruined with Modern Times
The times they are most definitely a-changin’. Today’s kids hear a record scratch sound effect in movies to punctuate abrupt stops, but have no idea what a vinyl record player is. Sadly, it seems, times they are also a bit more a-troubled. So, without getting too dark, let’s see what some classic children’s books would […]

If the Harry Potter Books Were Written From Voldmort’s Perspective
SPOLER ALERT: For anyone who hasn’t read all of the books… what have you been doing with your life!?! Sorry I mean, c’mon! Anyway. If you’re not done with the books, click here. I recently began the wondrous adventure of reading the Harry Potter books to my 7-year-old son. We raced through the […]

If Parents Renamed Products Honestly
If some brands wanted their products to really speak to parents, they’d probably need a name makeover. Let’s look at a few products with new names and logos that might not be more appealing but are certainly more accurate. Pregnancy Test Bread Classic View-Master Toy Lunch Snack Granola Bars Slide Whistle […]