Superhero Action Figures Come to Life! (40 Amazing Photos)
Much to my fatherly delight, my son has grown up into a 7-year-old who loves action figures. As an aficionado myself, and the one who has to pay for the dang expensive things, I’ve taught him to pay attention to how articulated they are; how many joints they have and how poseable they are. The […]

28 Baby Photoshoots Gone Horriblariously Wrong (GROSS WARNING)
Professional photoshoots of newborns or babies can give parents some stellar shots, but predicting the weather is more accurate than predicting the “call of Nature” for babies, even if they just went. So, occasionally, these photo sessions result in some of the highest quality pics of little munchkins spraying their parents like a broken, high-pressure […]

When They Outgrow You
May 1st, 2016: The date when you started drawing better than I could, Finn. A photo posted by Charlie Capen (@charliecapen) on May 1, 2016 at 9:54am PDT Do you remember that scene in Raising Arizona when H.I. had a dream that stretched far into the future? It was the end of the movie and […]

17 Untooned Realistic Cartoons That Are Super Freaky
A while ago I created a nightmare-fuel image of what a mouse would look like if there were a species that looked like our favorite jamboree-leading rodent, Mickey Mouse. After everyone was done cringing and dry heaving, I put the question to our readers of which iconic cartoon animal I should do next. The options […]

Dad “Body-Doubles” for His Wife’s Pregnancy Photo Shoot
I’ve seen some touching, beautifully-captured photos of the rising dawn of a pregnant woman’s belly. Apparently so has imgur.com user druishprincess69, who took pregnancy photos into his own hands… or um… his own belly. You see, when his wife said she didn’t want to do maternity photos, he hired a photographer and posed for MANternity […]

18 Images of Adults as Kids
Kids can’t seem to wait to get all growed up, but a lot of “growed ups” seem to pine for the bright shiny object of yesteryouth, when a driver’s license and our own place doesn’t seem as captivating as a tricycle and pillow fort once did. There are grown children, however, that were able cheat […]

20 of the AwkWORST Pregnancy Photos Ever
Pregnancy is generally a beautiful thing. But, as with all things, it can be made really weird and creepy. The folks at awkwardfamilyphotos.com, have a dragon’s hoard of awkward pregnancy photos. Some of them may blow your mind. Some may make you cry laugh. Some may make you just regular cry. While I want to […]

NSFW: Dad Nails Parenting
I’ve been seeing this make the rounds on all the normal internet avenues. Who knows if it’s true. I don’t really care either way. The sentiment, however, is truer than true. It’s fatherhood, itself. You don’t have to be a 6’3″ ex-navy seal to demonstrate masculinity. Embarrassment comes in a lot of colors and flavors. […]

Santa Claus Photos: An Evolution
I’ve written about the majesty and major PAIN IN THE ASS-NESS of Santa Claus photos before. When I decided to display these lovely moments in time on this little blog, people claimed I was harming my son. Remember that? This is just one stone thrown my direction. You can read all of them here, if […]

Elizabethan Superheroes & Star Wars Icons
We’ve all asked ourselves interesting questions. What if we’d lost WWII? What would the world be like if people lived for hundreds of years? How would chairs be designed if our bodies had four legs? Photographer, Sacha Goldberger, thought up some of his own intriguing questions… What if Superman was born in the 16th century? […]