My Wife Just Said… #100
“I’m wearing a thong. That’s how you know it’s time to do laundry.” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
My Wife Just Said… #98
“Can you imagine the kind of sex we could have if I were Elastigirl from The Incredibles?” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
My Wife Just Said… #97
“There are certain things that I’ll just never be a natural at. Unless it’s the end of the world… like making toothpaste or something.” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
My Wife Just Said… #88
“Trying to explain to my son that Wham’s “Last Christmas” is technically Christmas music. He’s not buying it.” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
My Wife Just Said… #86
“If I’m an asshole driver, but only to other asshole drivers, does this really make me an asshole driver?” –Avara Good luck with your travels this week everyone! Including assholes! ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
The Opposite of Politics
Last night, as the commotion was coming to an end, and my son was verging on total insanity from staying up too late, his 3-year-old mind decided to articulate a point I think bears repeating… Good luck stopping Finn from having fun. Imagine living life like that? So, let’s take this message and carry it […]
My Wife Just Said… #84
“Guess who thought she was still a teenager, rode a roller coaster after eating funnel cake, and is now trying hard to keep it down?” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
My Wife Just Said… #82
“Putting Finn to sleep and his light turns on. BY ITSELF. Trying to be brave in front of my son! #halloweensstartingearly” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”
Our Wives Just Said… #33
[Talking to Andy about Charlie] “So, how’s your husband doing?” -Elizabeth [Talking to Charlie about Andy] “So, what’d you and your boyfriend talk about?” -Avara