Fashion Felonies: Jeans Edition
Every generation experiences a gaping canyon of a cultural divide with the younger crop of humans: FASHION. Admittedly, I’m no fashionista (afashionado?), but having no great style oneself never prevented anyone from being the fashion police, judge and jury for new trends. Even as a kid, I proclaimed the “alternative” (wrong) angles for wearing a […]

Our Parents Had It Sooooooo Easy
You know that old “back in my day” line, where older folks grumble about how hard they had it; carrying half a library, barefoot for ten miles to school, uphill both ways, that sort of thing? Well, you don’t hear too much from them like that about how they had it as parents. Earlier generations […]

Gas Rant
This is actually a thing for me. I’ve had nightmares. I am not joking. If my wife even mentions the word “gas” my hand will break the sound barrier being held up in a quivering halt gesture, whereupon I will inform her that she is not allowed to continue speaking unless the conversation is about […]

The DON’Ts of Waiting on Tables of Families
There is an art to waiting tables. It is a dying art. It’s certainly a really a hard job, but there are tricks to it. To make it not be so awful. Everyone knows it must be a gruesome task to wait on tables that contain kids, but I’m a parent, so I’m not writing […]

My Wife Just Swore… #67
“Okay, ‘chilling out’ has happened for long enough. Now everyone can just f##k off.” -Elizabeth ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”