22 Odd & Edgy Relationship Comics
Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Let’s all let our hair down and loosen our belts and have a good ol’ laugh at relationships. In general. Not our own! That’s a bit risky, of course. Getting too nitty gritty about our relationships can be a ride on a stage coach filled nitro glycerin, clattering at […]

My Wife Just Texted… #336
Ah-HAH! No one likes a taste of their own medicine, especially when the medicine is actually pine sap and broken glass. ALL men know that the dreaded “we need to talk” is rarely (if ever) followed by something nice and safe like deciding on a pattern for the living room curtains or some such marshmallow […]

A Decade
Ten years ago, I eloped with a girl who honestly should’ve known better. Through all of my hardships and successes, my insanity and creativity — she stuck with me. Thank you for your unequaled support and love, Avara. I’m better for having known you. Love, Dingle AKA Doodle AKA Shmoop AKA Skiddy AKA Doo AKA […]

5 Reasons Your Wife Hates You
Marriages can be tough. Heck, working together with human beings in any capacity can be rough business, but in this case you’re jumping into the foxhole with someone who splits electricity bills with you and sees your junk constantly. Or less constantly, depending on your foxhole schedules. I’ve been with my partner in crime for […]

Our Wives Just Said… #33
[Talking to Andy about Charlie] “So, how’s your husband doing?” -Elizabeth [Talking to Charlie about Andy] “So, what’d you and your boyfriend talk about?” -Avara