17 Naughty Comics that Aren’t TOO Naughty
None of these are going to get you into trouble at work, especially since a lot of people are working from home in these “unprecedented” days. Well, maybe if your kid walks up and asks why a woman is “wrestling” naked with a stork… that’d be awkward. While these aren’t too explicit, if you blush […]

Did You Do Your Part(ner)? (Giveaway)
I partnered with Plum Organics for their Do Your Part(ner) campaign. Isn’t it romantic? Before this Valentine’s Day swept us all off our feet (or plopped us onto a cozy couch to pass out), I teamed up with Plum Organics for my hopefully-funny Realistic Love Notes for Parents to help launch their Do Your […]

Realistic Love Notes for Parents
There’s really only one thing that changes dramatically when you have a baby: EVERYTHING. Sure we all lose a lot of sleep, money, energy, car keys and brain cells. We don’t tend to blab online about intimacy as much, but it takes a huge hit, too. So, let’s all snuggle up with a “tell […]

Netflix & Chill…dren
The popular slang expression “Netflix and chill” is basically what young people these days are calling a “booty call,” getting together to hook up for sex, or the prospect of it. Maybe hang out and get in a few shows if it doesn’t turn into gland-to-gland combat, I guess. Anyone with kids knows, after you […]

Baby Sleep Positions: “The Deflector Shield”
A shield is up! RED ALERT! Evasive maneuvers! All hand to battle stations! (Sorry for that.) You see, once a mother ship does fire a new little cosmonaut out of her launch bay, I’m afraid a deflector shield is now quite operational. And will be for a what can seem like lightyears. In space, no […]

My Wife Just Texted… #177
When you’ve got kids, the art of romance and the business of parenting can be a bit of an odd couple. The “biblical sense” normally refers to “knowing,” as in knowing each others brains out, but running a family can easily burn up all a couple’s time and energy, making it impossible to maintain anywhere […]

My Wife just Said… #169
“Hey, you wanna? [Winks] I’ve been doing lots of Kegels. So I can be like a ninja down there. Not like grab arrows out of the air…” -Elizabeth I didn’t know whether to feel afraid or aroused, but in any case it’s clear some ninja skills are sexier than others. ““ Previous “My Wife […]

Sex Terms Can Be a Total Turnoff
I’ve covered how childbirth terms can make you want to puke (view), and how pregnancy terms can make you hide under a tarp (view), but let’s go even earlier, to the very start. The very act that results in babies. Sex. Words have a depth that goes beyond their dictionary definitions. Compare telling a man […]

Parentopoly, The Give ‘n’ Give ‘n’ Give Game
It’s likely you’ve played Monopoly before (even if you’ve never finished it), since statistically about 11 out 10 households have had the board game given as a gift one year or another. Parenting can truly seem like a game, too. How many times do you think one parent has said, “Go, it’s your turn!” to […]

Parenterms: “Sprintercourse”
Tick tock, tick tock. The clock is ticking for parents. Always. For something. Everything. Raising kids is a game show that starts with “hurry up” music playing, and it never stops. When it comes to making time to make some love, it’s so often the expendable scene that winds up on the editing room floor […]