Tag: Spaghetti Toes

The Revenge of Spaghetti Toes (15 Amazing Pictures)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Kids can have some gloriously oddball thoughts. And even when they’re the completely normal variety, the way they put those thoughts into words can be pretty flippin’ amusing. Art director and father, Martin Bruckner (Spaghetti Toes) designs pop art out of the sweet or quirky quotes from his cutie pie, Harper, and other little kids. […]

A Dad Turns Toddler Quotes into Amazing Pop Art


Anyone with kids above a certain speaking age has had their eyebrows raised into orbit when their kid starts saying… monumentally strange things. They can be weird, razor honest, sweet, embarrassing, wise, and often also hilarious. Martin Bruckner, art director and father of a 3-year-old daughter named Harper, decided to take some of these strange […]