Kid’s UNEXPECTED Reaction to STAR WARS Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
I ran into technical difficulties galore, buggy audio, video glitches, software issues oh my! But at long last the final installment of my son’s entertaining reactions to all 9 Star Wars movies is complete. The Rise of Skywalker video is now fully operational! For the extended edit (8:09), click here I’m not sure what’s next. A […]

Nerf Wars (VIDEO)
My son and his friend challenged me to a Nerf War and I, a Nerf pro, absolutely wrecked the noobs. They’re getting better though. Headshots are a great motivator. Sooooo many headshots. This video is also solid proof that battles are the best with Star Wars blaster sound effects added. Stay safe and sane, folks!

Kid’s ENERGETIC Reaction to STAR WARS Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
It took me forever to get to finishing the edit of this reaction video. Sometimes Life throws you some serious curves, and apparently 2019 was aiming for my head. My son and I actually videoed us watching Episode III a YEAR ago. So, for everyone who’s been paining to see his reaction to what most […]

Kid’s NERVOUS Reaction to STAR WARS Episode II: Attack of the Clones
He was so nervous about EPII he actually rejected watching for a few months. Because of spoilers, he knows the basic story of the Prequels and was very anxious about seeing Anakin fall to the Dark Side. After we saw The Phantom Menace, I didn’t understand his lack of excitement to watch the next movie. […]

Kid’s MIXED Reaction to STAR WARS Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Whether you love or hate the first of the Star Wars Prequels, you’re probably going enjoy his reactions ““ they kind of have something for everyone. He was actually really nervous about seeing it for the first time. He knows the whole story and all the characters, but he also knows that tons of people […]

Kid’s ANXIOUS Reaction to The Last Jedi
[ This post and video contain massive spoilers ] (open video in a new window) A truly awesome number of people have been thrilled with my son’s reactions to watching the Star Wars movies, and it’s clear to everyone that he’s a huge fan of Luke Skywalker. His emotional investment is painfully obvious when he […]

Son’s Excited 1st-Time Reaction to STAR WARS The Force Awakens
Two years ago, when he was six, my son and I watched STAR WARS: A New Hope for his first time. He was ridiculously adorable and hilarious and he LOVED it. The internet also loved the reaction video, so I did one for Empire and Jedi as well. We waited way too long to watch […]

May the Make-Believe Be With You, Always
What do a broomstick, a flashlight and a cardboard wrapping paper tube have in common? Some of you will guess immediately: a lightsaber. In the case of the cardboard tube, it’s a very short-lived lightsaber, but in the right hands, it’s a magnificent Jedi weapon while it lasts. Whether it’s vwoomping and shzzzorping like a […]

Grandpa Vader & Kylo, A Christmas Story
This is amaaaaaazing. Even if you’re not a stark raving Star Wars fan like me, you’ll still appreciate a lot of the relatabale moments shown here, when grandparents look after their grandkid. Sure, regular grandparents might not be spoiling your kid quite like Santa Vader, and when they break your rules, it’s necessarily your “no […]

BB-8 Takes Manhattan
There’s nothing my nerd-heart loves more than seeing fantasy and fiction come to life in… real life. It’s what our imaginations were made for. All our play as kids, every time we imagined something fantastic happening to us — those moments were our minds calling out for something magic in our everyday. Star Wars is […]