Superhero Action Figures Come to Life! (40 Amazing Photos)
Much to my fatherly delight, my son has grown up into a 7-year-old who loves action figures. As an aficionado myself, and the one who has to pay for the dang expensive things, I’ve taught him to pay attention to how articulated they are; how many joints they have and how poseable they are. The […]

5 Superhero Powers of Fatherhood
After having kids, I noticed I had some strange, unique abilities that never made themselves known while I was child-free. Maybe it’s because I spent last week at Comic-Con or maybe I just haven’t slept in about 7 years but I’m starting to wonder if all this parenting hasn’t mutated me or unlocked superpowers. It’s […]

The Conceit of Clark Kent
We’ve all donned, at one time or another, a costume made from something pretend. A hero, a princess, a warrior, an artist — we found our identity through this play. Imaginations have always been part and parcel to the fabric of childhood but we grew up, forced to focus on the road ahead, and we […]

How I Shave…
Recently, my son has been pretending to shave during bath time. It’s kinda blowing my mind. I remember those days as a boy when I realized I would one day have hair on my face. And now that my facial hair has taken over my mug, the concept has arrived in my son’s mind. He’s […]

A Dad Turns Toddler Quotes into Amazing Pop Art
Anyone with kids above a certain speaking age has had their eyebrows raised into orbit when their kid starts saying… monumentally strange things. They can be weird, razor honest, sweet, embarrassing, wise, and often also hilarious. Martin Bruckner, art director and father of a 3-year-old daughter named Harper, decided to take some of these strange […]

Elizabethan Superheroes & Star Wars Icons
We’ve all asked ourselves interesting questions. What if we’d lost WWII? What would the world be like if people lived for hundreds of years? How would chairs be designed if our bodies had four legs? Photographer, Sacha Goldberger, thought up some of his own intriguing questions… What if Superman was born in the 16th century? […]

New More Relatable Superheroes
Some popular superheroes are incredibly old if you think about it. Batman and Superman were created in the late ’30s, making them adults for about 75 years now. Super old. What would some new, more relatable super characters be, though? If they arose from the smartphone radiation of today’s plugged-in, socially-connected culture? Let’s imagine some… […]

Guarding The Galaxy And Other Fine Hobbies
What would you do if the galaxy was suddenly threatened by unfathomable evil and threat of destruction? I mean, more than it already is. Would you risk your life to protect others? Would you do it for the right price? Do you have a business card? I’m asking for a friend. They live in a […]

What if A. A. Milne’s classic childhood character, Winnie-the-Pooh, had been the Incredible Hulk? I didn’t ask this question, I found its answer. I discovered this amazing series of watercolors from Charles Paul Wilson III, reached out and got his permission to share them with you here. I’ve written in simple, storybook captions because I […]

5 Reasons Batman Would Be a Better Dad than Superman
Alright, we’re encroaching on some touchy ground here. I know. Please don’t publicly hang me with USB cable, nerds. I mean you no harm. As one of you, I am duty-bound to admit this is basically an open question that I am posing to myself and working through in a public space. So, put down […]