Pop-Tarts, If They Made ‘Em for TODDLERS
Why not feed your young ones sweet snacks based on the freaky foods they already go nuts for? Pop-tarts for toddlers can’t be the dumbest food product idea you’ve ever heard of. But if it is, than I’m even prouder for whipping it up in the carnival freak show of my mind. These would also […]

If Toddlers Wrote Yelp Reviews
Every parent knows how absolutely crazy kids can be about food. Throw that hot mess into the public arena of a restaurant and things only get nuttier. So, let’s have a look at some reviews toddlers might write, if they could write like us big people.

Toddler Waits for the Beat to Drop and then Busts an Adorable Move
Whatever music we listen too, most of us have songs that groove us enough to get our body movin’. Or, for those of us who were pummeled into deeply anxious levels of insecurity as a kid or at school, there are songs that at least make you want to groove out. Even if just in […]

Who’s Your Favorite? (A Hilarious Interrogation)
Parenting isn’t a competition. Well. It shouldn’t be. But, even for parents who work together perfectly, your heart can kind of feel like it got the silver medal and lost a little in some moments. You ask if they want you to read them a story and they say, “I wan’ Mommy to wead to […]

Toddler’s Guide to a Banana
Bananas, ‘nanas, nanners or whatever you call them, are often referred to as “nature’s perfect food” because they’re loaded with such good nutrients. Their perfection becomes even perfecter for parents because they can be toted around in a purse or bag as portable, unrefrigerated rations that are actually good for a kid to eat. However, […]

A Toddler’s Guide to Being a Helpful Passenger
Driving with kids can be rough. Quite often “rough” like wearing a potato sack for underwear on a 10 mile marathon. They really do make it interesting at any age. When they’re little bundles of burps, it can be surprise diaper blowouts, random screaming and begging for you to hand them this, that and everything. […]

Toddler Talks to Himself on the Potty
Today is the basically the Olympics of eating in America, which is generally already pretty extreme, any other time of the year. But, eating like it was an athletic competition can have some biological… consequences. So! Without it getting gross at all, let’s put our ear to the bathroom door of this video and listen […]

Horror Movies for Toddlers (Bad Product Idea #19)
Just think about it. Kids films box-office spectacularly, for the young and old alike. And horror films also sell like hot cakes dripping with strawberry blood. Hmmmmm… Hollywood is clearly missing a huge opportunity here: horror movies for toddlers! Opening up an even younger youth demographic, and, since they can’t walk, this would include their […]

The Revenge of Spaghetti Toes (15 Amazing Pictures)
Kids can have some gloriously oddball thoughts. And even when they’re the completely normal variety, the way they put those thoughts into words can be pretty flippin’ amusing. Art director and father, Martin Bruckner (Spaghetti Toes) designs pop art out of the sweet or quirky quotes from his cutie pie, Harper, and other little kids. […]

13 Texts Toddlers Would Send if they Could
Kids are getting their own phones earlier and earlier these days, but I think we can all agree that it’s a TOO SOON situation with kids that haven’t fully mastered things like walking or not drooling or keeping their head upright all the time. Toddlers. BUT! Imagine if they did have phones, and could text […]