A Dad Turns Toddler Quotes into Amazing Pop Art
Anyone with kids above a certain speaking age has had their eyebrows raised into orbit when their kid starts saying… monumentally strange things. They can be weird, razor honest, sweet, embarrassing, wise, and often also hilarious. Martin Bruckner, art director and father of a 3-year-old daughter named Harper, decided to take some of these strange […]

Child Labor
When dealing with a problematic manager or supervisor, you’ve undoubtedly come to the conclusion that some jobs require no special skill. Like, seriously, a bucket of wet dirt could do the job better. But, since hiring mud is generally frowned upon, I suggest we put kids in these positions. They’d achieve the same results and […]

This is amazing. I’ve been following Rob Fee on Twitter (@robfee) for a couple of years without knowing much more than his wit consistently makes me piss-laugh or blows my mind. Then I came across this majesty of his. Ugh. If I didn’t love his humor so much, I’d hate him for being so […]

TODDLER BINGO! Because Parents Deserve to Win Something
The thing about playing Bingo is that you’re going to go through an epic crap ton of numbers before anyone hits five in a row. The same is true for Toddler Bingo. Parents will experience a vast array of toddlerisms before they hit the jackpot. Refusing to eat something, wanting to eat things they shouldn’t, […]

Snowman Building by Child Age
Babies are really terrible at making stuff. Unless it’s poop or pee, or making us smile and never sleep. So their first snowmen will require quite a bit of parental assembly. Some people wonder why parents do this for their babies (birthdays and snowmen and such), hinting that it’s all really just for the parents. […]

Operating Heavy Machinery while under the Influence of Childhood
So, we come across a lot of wild stuff on the Internet. We’re basically always online looking for inspiration, entertainment and cataloguing the crazy of the web. Some stuff we share with you and some we don’t. This one? I just don’t even know where to start. Check it out… Should this be happening? Is […]

Episode 1: Convos With My 2 Year Old Video
Anyone who’s anyone (or has a pulse) has seen this by now. Seventy-bazillion times each. So, after we finished clapping our hands to a swollen pulp and stopped punching ourselves in the face for not creating something like this video ourselves, we had to share it here. It’s so genius, it just has to […]

Eagle Rides for Toddlers!?!
Your pants and undies may be safe watching this, but you will crap in your soul for sure. (Reassuring spoiler: happy ending. Sorry about the spiritual poop mess part, though.) In the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, giant Eagles play majestic animals that swoop in to the rescue. Um… yeah… this is not […]