Honey, I Shrunk the Race Track
Most of the times when I played with miniature vehicles and action figures as a kid (and as an adult if we’re being honest), I’d be sort of above it all, like a looming god of make-believe, or at least like a third-person view in a video game. Sometimes, though, I got down there. Hugging […]

Father & Son Go Camp Tripping
Though I don’t get to do as much of it as I’d like these days, I loved camping as a kid. My parents did, too. Which always works out great; when the budgetary stars, parental planets and children moons all align for something. The camping I did as I got older became a lot more […]

Will My Kid Be Sporty… or Not So Much?
When you become a parent, no matter how hands-off you intend to be on their personality, you still have to wonder what kind of person your sweet little bag of wiggles will become. I was never good at or terrifically interested sports. My older brother very much was, so I learned a bunch more than […]

Just You Try Not to Smile at this Pregnancy Reveal
There are some moments people share online that are just so rad and uplifting, you can’t help but explode with joy (on a good day) or at least crack a smile with a pleased nod (when you’re having a terrible day). This is one of those moments. The first (hopefully) and most important (definitely) pregnancy […]

Drama, It’s What’s for Dinner (Video Compilation)
I can’t personally remember being an absolute douchecanoe about food when I was a kid. Then I thought this might be some kind of self-imposed amnesia our bodies perform, because if they didn’t, we might not procreate as a species if we had crystal clear memories of the little horrors we were. So, I asked […]

Serious Subjects Can Get Seriously Silly with Kids
When you tackle a subject with your kid that’s one of the more life-lessonie topics, it can be pretty dang interesting. You start to find out what they have -100 clues about, and what they’ve picked up from wherever. But, like a lollipop that rolled under the couch, sometimes some pretty unusual stuff sticks to […]

A Wild Baby Attack with a Chocolate Milk Ending
Here we see dramatic video footage of a mom’s boob being viciously attacked by her ravenous newborn! No, not really! Haha! But her adorable little daughter, Ava, seemed to think so. When she toddles into the hospital room where she caught her mom breastfeeding the hungry new arrival, she didn’t seem to know what to […]

World’s Greatest Mom Is Hilarious (6 Clips)
The German comedienne, Martina Hill, does a ton of wild and amazing short comedy sketches. The fact that these are not in English will matter not one single solitary bit, trust me! The humor is so universal, they transcend language and it’s absolutely no wonder so many of these have gone crazy viral globally. Enjoy […]

If You Hate Cats, This May Change Your Mind
Listen, I’m not a cat fan. I’ve never really liked them. Maybe it’s because I’m allergic to them or maybe I just don’t like creatures that poop in sandboxes but they’ve always seemed unimpressed with me. But this video makes me think cat+human relations could be salvaged. The way this cat shows this baby affection […]

Cleaning Gladiator: Dad vs Son
Kids are perpetual mess factories. But, how often does a kid get the go-ahead to intentionally MAKE messes? I wish you could’ve seen the “opening a big present” look on my 7-year-old’s face when I asked him to. Well, at first he looked at me sideways, like I was playing a trick or had simply […]