Parenterms: “Dadgerous”
Not everyone is handy just because they have hands, but when you become a dad you may find yourself suddenly possessed of the desire to build stuff. Even if you don’t have the desire, you’re still possessed in a way, like one would be with a demon. Possessed with some or all of the duties […]

My Kid Just Said… MERICA! #26
“You is a Merican!” -Lucas (July 4th 2013, 4 years old) Happy 4th of July, my fellow Mericans. Make some amazing memories! ““ Previous My Kid Just Said Boobs are as Merican as it gets! My Kid Just Said Facebook Page This is where YOU can post YOUR kid’s quotes. Go for it! Follow […]

Kid Definishons: “Inpublic”
What your kid gets from the words you use can sometimes be close, but not quite right. The sheer repeated context of a word can train them into a wrong association. My 4yo son now tells my wife and I that we’re being inpublic. He chuckles and admonishes us sagely, “Hah! Dat was inpubwic!” It’s […]

Parenterms: “Smellcheck”
Every trade or specialty has its own set of unique words and definitions. Parenting is a highly technical job. Anyone who has ever seen an airplane’s control console, with it’s floor-to-ceiling constellation of buttons and switches, has looked at a metaphor for parenting. In this new series, Parenterms, we’ll explore and clarify the specialized terms […]

Kid Definishons: “Tomorrow”
Kids often have a different definition for the words used by adults. Sometimes they’re much more accurate. From their perspective, at least. For kids, tomorrow can often seem as far away as forever. And if parents use it often enough, it can actually turn into forever. ““ Follow us on Facebook. The best way […]

The “Hm” Scale of Women
Women probably have an “Uh” scale like The “Uh” Scale of Men I showed you last week, but repetition can be pretty boring. So I’ve chosen this Hm scale to demonstrate how the length and tone of a spoken word/sound can change its meaning. Especially for women. Why especially for women? The varied meanings of […]

The “Uh” Scale of Men
Even if we never really think about it, we all know words can mean different things by the way they’re said. Don’t believe me? Okayyyyyyy. See? Not only did I acknowledge your response, I also said, “How many times were you dropped on your head as a child, you moron.” I’m not sure why nobody […]