Nerf Wars: Revenge of the Husband
Listen, my wife and I have a funny, and to those on the outside, odd relationship sometimes. We do things that annoy each other on purpose. We sometimes wrestle around in bed. We make sounds or voices that grate on our respective last nerves. This woman? Well, she’s a saint for putting up with this […]

Dad Hits The Gym(nastics)
Nothing says holiday gorging fun like trying to mimic your kids’ gymnastic skill as an adult. This dad is top shelf rad, trying to copy his daughter’s gymnastic routines and practice. A huge component of fatherhood is attempting the impossible and having a good attitude in the attempt. Love this. Should we make this a […]

How To Dad: Dad Hands + Velcro
Do you suffer from a case of “Dad Hands”? If you’ve tried to button little baby buttons on a baby’s onesie then you know the flushed anger and terror of trying to slip a tiny circle inside of a tiny opening with a writhing worm child. It’s the worst. So, as this father has put […]

How Did Parents Let This LEGO Train Track Happen?
My house is a constant mess of toys. Sure, I may have indulged my sons once or twice with my own need for childhood knickknacks, but I love playing with them. My boys, I mean. And the toys. Both. Anyway. Sometimes, I get fed up and wish the toys could all disappear. All of them. […]

Learning To Fly: Man Takes His Brother Into The Sky
Siblings and parents want to take their family into the clouds, to reach new heights. But one brother took his brother on a flight into the sky, and showed us what it means to fly. Meet Michael McMahon. His brother Robbie has Williams Syndrome, a genetic disease that causes medical issues affects 1 in 10,000 […]

The Future Is Now: French Fry Vending Machine!
Lots of us complain endlessly about the state of the world. There are so many things, today, that make absolutely no sense. Will my kids ever sleep through the night? Why don’t we have hoverboards yet? Who is this orange man running for President? Why can’t I drink my own pee? Well, maybe not that […]

The Video That Will Make You Fear The Future
Sure, every parent at one point or another worries about the world their kids are going to live in one day. They wonder what it will be like, and what challenges they’ll likely face. But for me, after watching this video, I have one fear. Check it out… Hoverboards. But not even really hoverboards. Rolling […]

Baby’s First Bacon
Apologies now to my vegetarian friends, but I think we can all agree that there are similar foods that produce the same effect for you… Listen, we try to eat healthy in our house, and only introduce new foods with our kids when they’re ready, but there are many who would gladly give their kids […]

This Guy Lives In An Airplane
Most of us think about renting or buying a home that suits our needs. If you’re a family, maybe you think about location or child safety. Is the neighborhood cool? Can I afford it? If you’re single, maybe you’re looking for something that doesn’t have stains from kids pooping on the carpet all the time. […]

This Is The Stormtrooper You’re Looking For… On Hollywood Blvd
The last time he was in a stormtrooper outfit, Mark Hamill was 26 years-old. Apparently. But this video from Omaze got us so pumped for what’s coming two weeks from now. Luke Skywalker’s part in the story of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is shrouded in mystery, but his work on the streets of Hollywood […]