One Less Worry For Parents
Worrying about our kids is practically encoded in us. Some of us worry more than others, but there’s always something that nags at any parent. Even if it’s not logical. Like what if our kids chose Kanye West as their ultimate hero? The stuff of nightmares. Well, today, we’re doing something we’ve never done before. […]

Things I Wanna Do, But Don’t Want My Sons To Do… #1
Parenting can feel a little duplicitous sometimes. You tell your kids to get sleep, and then you don’t. You tell them to eat certain vegetables when you can’t stand them. You tell them there are no more cookies, but secretly you’ve hidden a stockpile for yourself so huge, the IRS is going to come knocking. […]

We Stopped Dreaming About Tomorrow
I was very mediocre at science growing up. I had the odd chemistry set. I enjoyed physics, more than almost any other field. I was just not a great junior scientist. But I had great respect for the endeavor. I wanted to know the answers to life’s questions. It seemed as though a combination of […]

Hug Life For Real
Sometimes something so impossibly cute comes across your internet desk (that’s not a thing) that your brain can’t even handle it. I don’t even want to use words or sentences to describe what you’re about to see. It’s too much. It’s just… HUG LIFE. But I will say that you will be starting your weekend […]

The Best Surprise Baby Announcement Reaction!
Hidden camera videos aren’t usually my jam. They’re just… kinda creepy. But when the outcome is unexpected and awesome, it’s all worth it. This guy set up a camera to watch what would happen when he and his wife told their in-laws they were going to be grandparents. The result is one of the manliest […]

17 Ways To Hold A Baby
We don’t typically like to showcase much “how-to” content. It would make us seem like we were helpful, which, if you’ve read any of this website, you know we are not. But this guy is on to something here. If you’re an active person, holding a baby can get tricky without a sling or proper […]

Dad + Kids x Dance = YES!!!
The internet brings us terrible and awesome things. Mostly terrible, but it makes the awesome that much more rad. Or radder. A raddening occurs. Today’s internet awesome comes from a dance teacher and his 4 year-old son. This dance team of Dad + Son is fantastic. Just what you need on a Friday to get […]

5 Videos Describe Parenting In Under 10 Seconds
Many people yell at email us with very deep, introspective questions about fatherhood and parenting. Today, we’d like to address some of these questions head on in the most effective manner the internet can handle: short, silly videos in a list format. Most of us are so concerned with getting this parenting thing right, we […]

A Better Circle of Life
We have a conundrum in this country. People are living longer, but their standard of care is diminishing. As a culture, we are obsessed with youth and our elders seem to be left out to dry. The number of adults aged 65 and older is likely to double in the next 25 years. Double. So, […]

‘Baby Band’ Is Everything You’ve Ever Wanted In A Video
A couple of weeks ago, a video came across our desk. Wait, that sounds like an olde timey telegram. A video flashed across our screens! (There, that’s better) It came from YouTuber “MysteryGuitarMan” and featured his little 8-month-old Jonah. I met MGM at a #DisneySide awards ceremony where we were honored together for our work […]