Grand Theft LEGO – Bad Product Idea #16
Two fanatically popular video game series join forces to create, the crossover video game of the century, Grand Theft LEGO…
“” someone who probably needs a good dictionary
Race through the mean streets of Downtown LEGO City with your friends or just slap C4 on their backs, send them off and watch the pretty lights at the press of a detonator switch.
“” the imagined review from the ghost of Nicola Tesla
Explore! Build! Fly cutely-dimpled, million dollar private jets into convenience stores and, once you’ve evaded the LCPD, rebuild them again!
“” some guy in a boutique coffee shop
Make it rain golden LEGO studs at a strip club. How else will Candy Brickhouse ever make it through computer school? You see, there are touching stories in GTL; real fake digital people; life lessons to be learned on the tough, bumpy streets of LEGO City.
“” the awestruck youth of America

The types of shows/toys/books/games/everythings we let, or refuse to let our kids dig into, and at which age, is a personal choice each parent has to figure out for themselves. Sometimes it’s really hard to figure this out.
However… this bad product idea is obviously a pretty flippin’ bad product idea for kids.
NOTE: This parody concept is so so so soooooo NOT sanctioned by LEGO or Rockstar Games, publishers of the Grand Theft Auto series. This is for entertainment and thought-provoking purposes only.
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There are worse things than horrible video games. Don’t just trust me, click on the link.