Baby Sleep Positions: “Snow Angels”
Romping around in the snow can be a blast. Especially if you’re small, clumsy and full of seemingly inexhaustible atomic energy, like a kid or baby. There are so many fun things to do and so few ways to get seriously hurt doing them! And it seems like snow angels were invented for babies in particular, on account of their limited mobility and superb laying skills. Heck! I bet you a baby invented them in the first place. They’re cleverer than they will ever let on. No, seriously. Watch out.
Anyways, with snow angels, you’re really down in it, getting frosted or soaked. But babies have even thought of a way around this one as well. Why not play in the snow… in non-snow! The soft, poofy drifts of snow-like bedding can serve as a great way to have all the fun without risking getting a Slurpy in the diaper. And, here’s the best part, they can do it while they are sleeping! Right there between mom and dad. Fun for the whole family. All – night – long!
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