My *KID* Just Said…

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

[After losing a game] “Winning is for losers.” -Cody (2008, 10 years old)

Both our little ones are beginning to talk, frying our brains and melting our hearts, and my two older boys (Cody and Max) have been doing the same for well over a decade now. So! We’re launching a new category based on our “My Wife Just Said…” category. My Kid Just Said…

The things our boys say are crazy, cute, brilliant or D) all of the above. So how could we resist sharing the majesty! In my case (Andy), I’ll be catching up on the bumper-sticker-worthy genius of my older boys while Charlie and I both chronicle the beginning of our two-year-olds’ adventure into the wild frontier of talking.


For newcomers, these are the kids that will be doing the said-ing here:
Finnegan Capen (2), Lucas Herald (2), Max Herald (11), Cody Herald (13)



  • Christina says:

    SO true! Genius child!

    Can’t wait to see some of the gems your 2-year-olds cook up. We aren’t in sentences yet, but I’ve gotten some fun stuff out of my 2 year old…my favorite to date was taking a sip out of a girl’s tea cup and saying “MMMMMM…coffee…that’s good.”

    Dad has taught him well…

    • andy says:

      That’s amazing. Lucas brings me my coffee all the time and says, “He’e yo coffee, Daddy,” but I’ll have to teach him a line like that. Ha ha!

  • Josh says:

    This is from a few days ago, but … “Daddy, sometimes it’s easy to poop. But sometimes it’s hard. And sometimes it hurts my feelings.” – Ryleigh, age 3.5.

  • Kimberly says:

    Love it! My 2.5-year-old calls freckles “fuckles.” She also exclaims, “My butt sneezed!” whenever she farts. Once, after a bad dream, she was sleeping in our bed. She’s an insanely squirmy sleeper. I told her the next morning that she was rolling around all over the bed, and she nodded and with a very knowing and slightly condescending look informed me, “Yeah, I sleep around.”

    My 1.5-year-old son and I were playing a while ago and I roared at him and said, “I’m a monster!” He growled back and shouted, “Om nom nomster!” Which made me think of Lolcats.

  • Brian says:

    My sons gem from the other night was: “Fly away peckers!” He was referring to woodpeckers, of course.

  • Shane says:

    My 11 year old talking to her 12 year old cousin about something their gma used to do for them, “I remember those days”
    I laughed so hard…

  • Shannon says:

    Today has been the most (in)appropriate thing to date my son has said: while actually pooping (refusing to sit on potty) he picks up plastic logs in his potty and says “mommy I pooping! I put logs in potty!” Funniest thing to me though is we have never referred to poop that way to him or in front of him.

  • jenny says:

    favorite category EVER. Can’t wait to see what evolves here.

    • andy says:

      Rad!!! Thanks for the encouragement! We hope it’s a wacky good time for everyone in this new category. 🙂

  • Karen says:

    You should check out the group on FB called “Funny things kids say”

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