Happy 4th of KaBOOM!
I’ve always loved fireworks. I’ll admit that my appreciation for my nation’s freedom came much later. I don’t remember freaking out about the loud explosions but do remember covering my ears early on. I think adults forget or don’t really want to admit that kids’ hearing is a LOT better and much more sensitive.
Each 4th of July I get to see the changing responses of my boys (3, 11, and 13 years old) to a 4th of July fireworks display. Their initial responses were all the same, something like “Daddy, WHAT was THAT!?!” They never actually said it with words, they used terrified faces, clutching hugs and tears. We quickly packed up and strode away as if fleeing from the scene of a crime, of course, feeling bad and stupid that we’d sat too close, at too young an age.
A Little Story
We’d learned our lesson with Cody and Max, so last year we didn’t even consider taking Lucas to a fireworks display yet. But we did see some legal “fireworks” in the street at my parent’s place. Legal with a capital Laaaaaame. They were crappy sparklers that were more smoke than sparkle, and let’s not forget those horribly disappointing Black Snakes; the one’s that transform from a burning black pill into a something that resembles the consequences of a cat eating a bag of some dark colon cleanser. It was something though, and Lucas eating it all up with his big eyes. Precious. But then…
There were was a spinning one that was actually cool! (Okay, it probably sucked too, but whatever you follow something awful with always looks better in comparison.) It zipped around, bouncing on its own multicolored rocket thrusters, and then… it exploded. It surprised us all, but Lucas went a little further than surprise and went straight to screaming terror. He fell over trying to get away and, the second he regained the connection of his feet to the Earth, bolted with his hand clutching his ears. FAIL.
Almost a year later when he came near the same spot, he would mention “fire cookies.” It took us a few times for us to get that he meant firecrackers. Once we finished laughing at the cuteness of what he’d called it, we felt bad again. He was still slightly spooked. Sigh.
The 4th of July is about celebrating America’s Independence, families getting together to celebrate and watch fireworks light up the night. However, we have a lot of visitors from all over the world on our website and aside from that blowing my mind, it also reminds me to mention that the celebration of one’s country and their freedom is something close and personal to everyone, no matter what nation or calendar date.
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Happy Freedom! KaBOOM!
Note: Yes, this is picture was Photoshopped. Not by myself, though I tip my hat to whoever its creator is.
I Like Explosions
It’s true. I accept this.
Explosive Laughter
It’s true. I also like to make people laugh explosively.