My Wife Just Said… #88
Haha poor kids of today living in such ignorance 😀
I have to agree with your son. I hate ‘Last Chistmas’. It has no right being on a Christmas playlist just because the poor saps heartbreak happened to occur at Christmas. You could replace Christmas with any day, say President’s day, and the song would work. Not a Christmas song.
um. Your son is correct.
Oh Wham! How I love thee… Seriously, that is totally Christmas music!
“Last Holi Festival you colored my heart
But the very next day you bleached it away”
Yes, the song works with every religion.
The first time I hear it during the season, I can handle it. The 4,837th time I hear it, I wanna take a hostage.
((Please dear God please make the WHAMming stop.))
Last Festivus… yea, no. It doesn’t necessarily have to be ABOUT Christmas to be ‘seasonal’ music. I’m ok with it.
Isn’t it the ONLY Christmas song?
Totally agree with the kid
This is a Christmas song in the same way Dan Fogelberg’s Same Old Lang Syne is a Christmas song. That is, it isn’t actually a Christmas song at all.
It is definitely Christmas music!
Any time that song comes on I say “Haha, he’s talking about a guy.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
The issue is NOT is it or is it not a Christmas song-
The issue IS: Is the song good enough for radio? Answer: No, never, stop getting it stuck in my head.
Nothing says “tis the season for emotionally unhealthy relationships, emotional abuse, and more bad decisions to sing about next year” like “last Christmas”