Ninja Parent Lessons: The Scissor Kiss
Ninjas have long known that the skill of being able to kill someone with one arm tied behind their back was a worthy achievement. For parents, this level of skill can become useful in the task of keeping someone ALIVE with an arm tied behind your back.
Most people don’t realize that the ancient art of ninjas can benefit the modern day parent. It’s not all flying kicks and summersaults. For either of them. Though admittedly, those are the best parts. For the ninjas, not parents.
What is The One-Armed Dragon Series, you ask? When caring for a baby, you’re often deprived of the use of one arm because it’s otherwise occupied holding the baby or holding it at bay. When you’re a ninja, it’s the same. Because they also have babies and also because sometimes one of their arms gets lopped off in an epic duel of blades and shadows. The point is, they’re pros at making the most of it, with the least. And this series focuses on this specific skill set.
Don’t be discouraged. Just think how much easier the training will be for you. Ninjas have to learn to perform The Scissor Kiss with a mask on! So, practice and use The Scissor Kiss to up your parenting game. Be a ninja parent!
Ninjas don’t show their faces online.
More Ninja Stuff
Maybe a course in ninjas is in order.