My Kid Just Said… #18
“NO, DADDY! You NOT take a picture of me aaaaaany more!”
-Lucas (2013, 3.5 years old)
There is camera shyness, and then there’s ohpleasestopit-ness about being photographed or videoed. Some of us can really can be obnoxious Mama- and Papa-razzi with our kids.
I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with occasionally staging things so a picture looks better, or directing your kid to perform a re-enactment now that the camera is ready and rolling. However, maybe there’s a line we can cross””a crazy line””when we begin swearing under our breath at how long it takes for a photo app to come up on screen. Low-battery indicators should probably not result in panicked hyperventilation.
Hey! We love our little ones! To us, they’re celebrities. As their slightly deranged #1 fans, we can get easily swept up in capturing the moments. Every single one. Shot by shot. Or 30 at frames per second.
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