My Wife Just Said… #98
Haha, we just watched that movie last night! Ohhh the possibibilities!
Damn, I can imagine, yes. Although her being your wife could be an issue. Having said that, wow, baffled by the possibilities.
I would have to be getting sex to even concider the possibilities…..
Giving birth would be a breeze as well!
Carla for the win!
I agree, I like Carla’s thinking!
I’m glad I’m not the only one to think this!!! Oh, and childbirth would totally be amazing! I’d pop babies out all over the place! Lol
When my babies were tiny, I used to think about how awesome it would be to be Elastigirl when they would cry in the car. Elastigirl could nurse them from the front seat!
I once read an interview with the creator of “The Incredibles,” and he said he made her elastic because moms tend to be pulled in all different directions.
That, and because she would be great in bed, obviously.
Go on….